Kristin Kobes Du Mez Joining Rank Heretics for Pagan ‘Freedom Rising’ Conference

Kristin Kobes Du Mez is the author of Jesus and John Wayne, a Calvin University faculty member, and a rising star in progressive circles because of her fight against the patriarchy, being gay-affirming, and seemingly unbothered by taking a billy club to parts of the bible she doesn’t like.
She recently announced that she’d join a host of ner’ do wells, pagans, and antichrist heretics for the Freedom Rising Conference.
Sponsored by West End Church, Middle Church, Drew Theological School, and Auburn Seminary, the conference’s theme is ‘Dismantling fascism with fierce love. Day 1 is all about ‘UPROOTING CHRISTIAN FASCISM’S LIE, where the promo material advertises:
“The undemocratic takeover of our judicial system is just the tip of a movement that seeks to force a pluralistic country to conform to fundamentalist Christianity. It’s also based on fundamental lies: We live in abundance, not scarcity. People deserve autonomy over whether they create new life.”
Along with talks like “How Fascism Made a Home Within Christianity” and “How White Christian Nationalism Threatens Our Democracy,” Du Mez is giving a keynote on “How White Christian Nationalism Threatens the Church—and Everyone Else.”
Afterward, there will be a Q & A moderated by Jacqui Lewis. She’s an openly pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ, queer universalist pastrix who denies the literal second coming of Christ because “the second coming of Christ is you and me.” Having been previously platformed and praised by Jemar Tisby, Lewis initially caught our radar after she had a communion service comprising of Skittles and Arizona ice tea in honor of Trayvon Martin’s last meal.
Add some haranguing by Nadia Bolz-Weber, Rev Dr. Otis Moss III, a transgender rabbi, a regular rabbi, several atheists, more talks by Lewis, LGBTQ activists, some race-baiters, and at least one Sikh, suddenly one’s confidence that any of these folk have any insight into Christian fascism and Christian nationalism goes straight out the window.
As for Du Mez, given the conference company she’s keeping, it’s clear she’ll be right at home.
Yeah, yeah, we’re against murdering black babies in the womb, therefore we are “evil white nationalists” 🙄
A religious clown show. Saints beware.
The inverted reality of the left is both brazen and bizarre. They have zero self-awareness. This is likely because they have been given over to a depraved mind. Case in point: “People deserve autonomy over whether they create new life.” So they rabidly fight for killing of the most vulnerable among us, yet linguistically engineer this particular form of murder of innocents into “…whether they create new life”!! It is impossible to write and believe something like this w/o a fully depraved mind and heart.