Lutheran Pastrix Promotes…. Burlesque Dancing?

Pastrix Dowd

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is one of the evilest denominations in America. Pro-homosexuality, pro-choice, and certainly anti-Jesus, it’s populated by spiritually decrepit senior citizens and virtue-twerking LGBTQ twenty-somethings, with a ratio of congregants actually saved within the denomination likely sitting a little under 1.4%. You can only submit to a satanic pastor for so long without getting a little demonic yourself.

This brings us to pastrix Elle Dowd. We covered her before after she donned some Planned Parenthood vestments in solidarity with the apex predator of the baby-killing world.

Notably, her own biohgraphy is beyond bonkers, and is is too great not to post in full. From her website:

“She/they” is a ‘bi-furious’ recent graduate of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, a current PhD student at the Chicago Theological Seminary, and the campus pastor of South Loop Campus Ministry.

Elle has pieces of their heart in Sierra Leone, where their two children were born, and in St. Louis where they learned from the radical, queer, Black leadership during the Ferguson Uprising.

She was formerly a co-conspirator with the movement to #decolonizeLutheranism and currently serves as a board member of the Euro-Descent Lutheran Association for Racial Justice, does community organizing in her city as a board member of SOUL, serves on the Clergy Advocacy Board for Planned Parenthood, writes regularly as part of the vision team for the Disrupt Worship Project, and facilitates workshops in both secular conferences and Christian spaces.

In 2021 they published a book with Broadleaf, Baptized in Teargas, about their conversion from a white moderate to an abolitionist is available

Dowd, who easily rivals Lura Groen as one of the most maniacal clergy we’ve ever encountered, posted a month ago on her social media pages that she’d joined a burlesque studio and would be taking burlesque classes, learning how to striptease and titillate an audience. 

Dowd would later share with her congregants several photographs of her in her burlesque outfit- fishnets, and a busty top- completely unprompted, for what we can only assume is some exhibitionist thrill.

Rather than the ELCA condemning this behavior (and it’s not the first time she posted nude or semi-nude for her church’s viewing pleasure) they instead laud and celebrate her for it, including her friends and congregants.

Thankfully, this denomination will be dead soon enough.

h/t Exposing the ELCA

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6 thoughts on “Lutheran Pastrix Promotes…. Burlesque Dancing?

  1. The Enemy is taking down America’s churches, one at a time thanks to a near-total lack of discernment from their clueless congregations.
    Woe to them who fall into the hands of a jealous God.

    1. Just to be clear, the ELCA is at it again. There are Lutheran denominations that are still biblical such as the LCMS. Please don’t paint them with the ELCA’s demonic broad bush.

      Not Lutheran myself but my kids attend an LCMS school as we are grateful for their defense of biblical Christianity.

  2. We were warned about ‘sheep in wolves clothing’ but I don’t recall specific warnings about wolves in wolves clothing?
    Looking for a friend…

  3. People like this are under some kind of satanic spell, so to speak. She is completely oblivious to what a walking talking contradiction she is on, everything. Not only regarding the Bible but her own life, too. She posts this on social media, and then tells those that disagree with it to ‘mind your own business’!?
    Anyone looking for understanding about spiritual things from this woman is definitely going to fall into a ditch.

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