Leftist Southern Baptist Journalist Brags About Bar Fights and Using ‘Colorful Language’

photo by Chris Granger
Erich Bridges is the former global correspondent for the Southern Baptist Convention’s International Mission Board and a longtime mainstay in Baptist Journalism, including at the Baptist Press and ERLC. He recently wrote an article for the apostate Baptist News Global in which he bragged about getting in drunken arguments in bars with random strangers.
Bridges begins his article with a confession, “I’m a drinking Baptist” and then describes his drunken antics:
“Recently I almost got into a fistfight at my favorite bar with three guys — count ’em, three — at a nearby table who I overheard praising Trump and cursing Biden. At this late date in Trump’s long career of villainy, that just rubbed me the wrong way.”
It’s unsurprising that the best way to rile up a drunken writer at the Baptist Press is to speak negatively about Joe Biden and praise Donald Trump. Bridges weren’t finished describing his degeneracy and poor choices.
“Fortified by “liquid courage” (the worst kind), I challenged the trio with some colorful language. We exchanged insults. Soon realizing, not for the first time, that I was an idiot on the way to getting my butt kicked, I bought them a round.”
What follows is a liberal diatribe that you wouldn’t be surprised to hear from the most unhinged liberal talking head on MSNBC.
I abandoned polite debate with Trump supporters, however, after Jan. 6, 2021. If you’re still supporting this guy after his brazen attempts to overturn a national election and foment violent insurrection, I reasoned, you’re an insurrectionist, too. That’s treason in my book.
He goes on to call for the arrest of any conservative that doesn’t support the country’s demonic leaders in the Democratic Party:
“There’s no point in negotiating with them. Either they get with the program — respect for democracy and the rule of law — or they go to jail.”
Again, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that a writer at the BNG would write something like this, and that Trump Derangement Syndrome would reign supreme in their life. But it also makes you wonder what this guy was doing writing for and employed by the SBC for so many years, and also to a lesser extent, why he still has a profile up at the Baptist Press and ERLC, given that he’s descended into the drecks of radicalism and totalitarianism. We wrote about him back in 2019, when he was fully working with these entities an was platformed by SBC Voices, concluding:
It should not surprise us that a two-bit blog (SBC Voices) would try to copy the talking points of MSNBC. But what should shock us is that this is being done by an ERLC contributor on a blog run by an ERLC Leadership Council Member, as a part of a coordinated effort by the Democrat who runs the ERLC to drive Southern Baptists to the political left.
Southern Baptists need to stop putting money in the offering plate until their churches stop sending money to the Cooperative Program, which supports the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.
Given what we’ve seen over the last four years, we see no reason to change that position .
And they never, ever want to talk about Bill Clinton. He did things not only before taking office, but while in the WHITE HOUSE.
Yeah for Erich Bridges and the truth.
Yeah for democracy and tolerance .