Podcast: Christian Nationalists, Sex Abuse Scandals, Are Women More Courageous than Men, and Why James White Probably Owes Us an Apology

Both podcasts are available through all your podcast apps.

On Protestia Tonight, David discusses the SBC sex abuse scandal, the common ground between self-described Christian Nationalists and classical liberals on the responsibilities of Christians in Western societies, and why James White owes us an apology for bashing us over our skepticism of Rosaria Butterfield, who just recently publicly repented over her endorsements of personal pronouns.

On the Bible Bashed podcast, courage is a virtue that is often associated with men, but what about women? Are women capable of demonstrating courage equal to men?

Tim and Harrison explore this topic through the lens of scripture and anecdotal experience. Scripture reveals that men and women are both created in God’s image and have been given unique gifts and roles in His design. These differences even extend into aspects like courage. The Bible not only explains that the created order teaches that men are meant to be more courageous than women, it also includes many commands for men to be courageous and insults towards men who are craven.

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