More Transgender Mass Murder Narrowly Avoided in Colorado+ Church Targeted

Just over a week after the tragic act of transgender terrorism at a Christian School in Nashville, Tennessee, another potential mass casualty event at the hands of a transgender person was narrowly avoided in Colorado. On Thursday, April 6th, a teenage male named William Whitworth who beleives he’s a girl named ‘Lilly’ was arrested when his plans to “shoot up” multiple schools and churches in Colorado Springs were uncovered through a tip from a family member.
Whitworth is being charged with two counts of criminal attempt to commit murder in the first degree, criminal mischief, menacing, and interference with staff, faculty, or students of educational institutions.
The plot was uncovered when a sibling of the suspect called authorities and reported that their “sister” had threatened to “shoot up a school.” When they entered the residence, officers found the house in disarray with moldy food and empty alcohol containers all over the floor. The filth in the home was so abundant that officers had difficulty making their way through the residence. They eventually found Whitworth asleep in one of the bedrooms. The officers spoke with the mentally ill individual, who revealed that he was planning to murder people at a local middle school and was also intent on targeting some local churches.
Whitworth had already obtained a layout of the properties he planned to attack and was working on a manifesto.
By God’s grace this spree was stopped before anyone else had to die at the hands of the transgender cult. If recent history is any indication, however, acts of violence from this disgruntled and confused community will only intensify in frequency and severity.
As long as the news media, politicians, and their family members continue to play into their delusions, they will only get more violent, and it would appear that churches are one of their favorite targets. Every church should have some sort of security protocol in place to protect the faithful from these threats.
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