Infanticide Now Legal in the Wolverine State – Republicans Capitulate

Pro-infanticide Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed a bill this week that would strike a 1931 abortion ban from the books and permit mothers to murder their unborn babies up to their birth, using suction and scalpels to turn their little bodies into a slurry of blood and bones.
Whitmer was joined by pro-abortion leaders from groups such as Planned Parenthood and Emily’s List, declaring that the legislation “reflects Michigan’s values” and “creates a better future for everyone.”
Whitmer explained the economic benefits of killing babies, “By getting this done, we will help attract talent and business investment too.” Apparently, the Governor plans on using this mephistophelean legislation to attract other wicked women to the state who have a bloodlust for their own children.
This is becoming commonplace in states that the Democratic Party controls. California and Vermont have recently enshrined abortion rights into their Constitution, kicking these legislative initiatives into high gear following the overturning of Roe V. Wade.
They’re not the ones. Earlier this week, voters in Wisconsin elected a liberal judge to the state’s Supreme Court, allowing abortion advocates to control the majority of the seats. The main issue in the election was abortion, as the fate of the state’s abortion ban hung in the balance. As taking a stance for truth begins to take its toll following several election losses, prominent cowardly conservatives, and Republicans seem to be rethinking their stance on abortion and eyeing a gentler, less strident position.
After the Wisconsin results were revealed, conservative commentator Ann Coulter tweeted, “The demand for anti-abortion legislation just cost Republicans another crucial race. Pro-lifers: WE WON. Abortion is not a ‘constitutional right’ anymore! Please stop pushing strict limits on abortion, or there will be no Republicans left.”

If protecting the unborn means that there will be no Republicans left, then every Christian should be fine with the abolition of the Republican Party. RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel echoed Coulter’s statements during an appearance on Fox News, “There is a messaging issue, and abortion is still an issue… I’m a suburban woman. I know this issue.”
If there was ever a hill to die on, this is it. It’s an issue on which followers of Jesus Christ cannot bend, break, or even give an inch. Life begins at conception, every person is made in the image of God, and every person God creates deserves to be born rather than being sliced and diced in the amniotic sac. Sadly, Christians not only must fight liberals on this issue, but it appears they will also fight so-called conservatives.