Uganda Bans Homosexuality, and the Left Blames…Evangelical Americans?

Last month the Uganda Parliament passed a bill criminalizing homosexuality in the African nation. The bill identifies offenses such as “aggravated homosexuality” and the “recruitment, funding, and promotion of same-sex activities” as crimes punishable by life imprisonment and death, depending upon the nature of the transgression.
Speaking last Sunday, the Ugandan President, Yoweri Museveni applauded the bill and signaled that he would sign the legislation. Museveni also said that homosexuality was “a big threat and danger to the procreation of the human race” and called on Africa to take the lead in saving the world from “degeneration and decadence.”
Instead of viewing this as an Uganda issue, bad faith progressives are placing the blame squarely on American evangelicals. One liberal human rights lawyer in Uganda, Nicolas Opiyo was quoted as saying:
“The wave of homophobia and transphobia in Uganda, and the region, has nothing to do with Ugandan or African values. It is a disguised campaign by American evangelicals through their local actors. Their campaigns have now been organized under what appears to be local professional entities such as Christian lawyers’ groups, parliamentary forums and so forth. Their claim about African family values is only a ‘dog whistle’, a hate campaign and an imposition of a narrow Christian worldview upon us all. Once again, the Ugandan gay community is a target of this misinformation, hate and culture wars.”
The American left has also decided to blame evangelical Christians – a nasty little propensity that should surprise no one. Liberal Twitter is full of comments on the Ugandan legislation, and nearly all of them seem to indicate that Africans are not capable of thinking on their own and are being totally controlled by “evil” rightwing evangelicals in America. The paternalism is revolting.

Uganda’s firm stand against the creeping influence of homosexuality worldwide is not unique among African nations, however, as there are 64 countries in which homosexuality is criminalized to some degree, and over half of those nations are in Africa. This push against sodomy is actually a significant initiative by the Church of England in Africa, which has taken a widely divergent position from their British counterparts and which Liberal Anglicans have roundly condemned.
Ghana archbishop Cyril Kobina Ben-Smith, who has backed legislation in his own country, said the Ghanaian church’s support was “born the belief that the practice is unbiblical and ungodly. We see LGBT+ as unrighteousness in the sight of God and therefore will do anything within our powers and mandate to ensure that the bill comes into fruition … Leviticus 20:13 clearly declares that a male lying with a fellow male is an abomination and punishable by death.”
If the left is correct and American Christians are influencing Africans to take a Biblical stand against homosexuality, then we should applaud those efforts. One of the primary religious exports of evangelicalism has been the curses of the prosperity gospel, so it’d be nice if a stronger stance could alos be credited. It is more likely, however, that these Africans have benefited from not being force-fed sodomite propaganda from liberal media and political leaders for the last sixty years, as we have seen happen in this country. These Africans, free from much of the onslaught of cultural brainwashing, are simply taking a logical moral stand against something they see as unrighteous, detrimental to procreation, and if we’re being honest, just plain gross.
“Time to re-colonize Africa” says the left.
A bit of sanity in an insane world.
I’ll gladly take the heat for my brothers and sisters in Uganda.
That said, these young wokists need both a history lesson and a lesson on current events. Firstly, the Gospel of Jesus Christ spread through Africa two millennia ago. Some of the oldest churches in the world are in Africa. There were Christian churches in Africa when most of Europe was made up of pagan tribes. Secondly, the pressure (extortion) being put on Uganda to legalize homosexuality is coming from the UN, USA, European Union, England – I.e., mostly white Europeans.
If you’d like to learn about how wonderful and life-affirming the homosexual lifestyle is, especially for men, sarcasm intended, check out these articles, which are very credible: