NHL Gay Pride Night May be Canceled as Christian Players Take a Stand

The sodomite agenda seems to have permeated nearly every facet of society in this country, and professional sports are not immune. The few openly gay players are celebrated and revered. Rainbow flags are ubiquitous among professional sports leagues, and fans are force-fed LGBTQ talking points regularly. Some professional athletes, however, have decided that enough is enough.

In the National Hockey League, several professing Christian players have recently refused to wear jerseys adorned in rainbow colors in support of the Pride nights held throughout the league, causing a handful of teams to cancel their events and forcing NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman to reconsider the matter entirely.

Two brothers who play for the Florida Panthers, Eric and Mark Staal, refused to wear pride jerseys last week, issuing the following statement, “We carry no judgment on how people choose to live their lives and believe that all people should be welcome in all aspects of the game of hockey. Having said that, we feel that by us wearing a Pride jersey, it goes against our Christian beliefs.”

The San Jose Sharks recently published a statement on Twitter from their Goaltender James Reimer, who also has refused to wear the rainbow-infused pride gear. These two brave NHL players are not the only league members willing to take a stand. Several others have also declined to participate in promoting sexual perversion. Ivan Provorov of the Philadelphia Flyers was the first to take a stand, and his jerseys sold out immediately as those who appreciated his stand for Christ and God’s Word rushed to buy his merchandise. If anything, this highlights the vast disparity between what the demonic left believes and how regular Americans feel.

So many players have opted to sit out games rather than wear the gear supporting the sodomite agenda that the league is considering canceling pride nights altogether. NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman told one news outlet, “This is the first time we’ve experienced that, and I think it’s something that we’re going to have to evaluate in the offseason. This is one issue where players for a variety of reasons may not feel comfortable wearing the uniform as a form of endorsement.”

Praise God that some prominent Christians in sports have decided to take a stand against the demonic woke mob. It shows that if Christians submit to God rather than man, these powers and principalities in the culture can be pushed back. All it took was a handful of players to get a professional sports league to consider dropping gay pride night altogether.

This article was written by Reverend J.W. Baker as a guest post for Protestia

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5 thoughts on “NHL Gay Pride Night May be Canceled as Christian Players Take a Stand

  1. It’s about time that players who profess to be Christian spoke out against what God calls an abomination; it takes only a few with the courage to swim against the tide in order to have an effect.

    I applaud these players; of course, they’re getting no help from their alleged spiritual leaders, such as this professor who has long been a prominent figure in the Evangellyfish Fellowship of Canada: https://www.faithtoday.ca/Magazines/2022-Sept-Oct/Correct-coffee-in-Canada

  2. Titus 2:11-15

    11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, 12 training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, 13 waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, 14 who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works.

    15 Declare these things; exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no one disregard you.

  3. A far more meaningful and convincing expression of authentic Christian faith than giving Christ credit for outscoring an opponent; they are actually taking a stand on something important.

  4. If the homosexual lifestyle is so wonderful, especially from men since it’s so invasive, if you know what I mean, how come no one seems to know that, on average, homosexual men live much shorter lives than straight men and have much higher incidences of venereal diseases, drug addictions, suicides and overall suffering from depression. It’s no accident that famous homosexual’s like Freddie Mercury, George Michael, and fashion designer Halston all died at 45, 52, and 58, respectively, because of their lifestyles usually from contracting AIDS.

    Research has shown that most homosexual men are that way because they were molested or raped as children. It’s really all about pedophilia and always has been. Why do you think it’s being pushed so much in children’s programming and cartoons?

    It just astounds me at these the vast majority of macho athletes, especially in hockey, don’t have the balls to stand up against this abomination because eventually they would be required to wear the “pride” jerseys (or should they be called “shame” jerseys) in a game and not just during warm-ups.

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