Brian Houston Arrested for DUI Prior to Resigning

In March 2022, Houston resigned from Hillsong after being accused by the leadership of committing indiscretions with two women and having a drinking problem, including getting drunk and spending nearly an hour in a woman’s hotel room in 2019. In a message bemoaning the way the board treated him in their public statements, he rebuffed claims their claims that he abused alcohol, saying:
I spoke about alcohol has having not proven itself to be my friend. But sadly, that has built a narrative out there that I’m an alcoholic, and the stories about my alcoholism that are the result of gossip and whispering and innuendo.
The narrative that I’m an alcoholic is false. In fact, I’ve been told by an expert therapist that I do not display the behaviors that are typical of an alcoholic.
Yet weeks before his resignation, Houston, recently featured in our Countdown: Top 10 Most Expensive Meals Brian and Bobbie Houston Expensed to the Church (Number 4 is $2433.38) was arrested for driving under the influence, demonstrating it had more a hold on him than he let on.

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So busted. Maybe pastoring isn’t the best fit for this guy…
It isn’t possible for these men to walk upright because they haven’t been Born Again, they are still walking in the old nature. At best, all they can do is project righteousness because they don’t have the power to walk in it.
‘You will know them by their fruits’
So this happened in CA – not even in Australia ?
Shouldn’t this be grounds for denying subsequent entry into the US ?