Johnny Hunt Names Bart Barber in Defamation Lawsuit Against SBC

(Capstone Report) Former Southern Baptist Convention President Johnny Hunt filed suit against the Southern Baptist Convention, Guidepost Solutions, and the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention over a report that included Hunt among abusers and sex criminals.
The lawsuit claims, “By publishing the allegation against Pastor Johnny in a report purporting to focus on ‘child molesters and other abusers,’ Defendants intentionally and maliciously created the false impression that Pastor Johnny is a sex criminal. As recently as December 5, 2022, the SBC’s president reinforced this false impression by publishing a tweet in which he falsely asserted that the allegations against Pastor Johnny would ‘constitute a felony in any jurisdiction in the US.’”
The lawsuit claims the inclusion of Dr. Hunt was “damage control” and an attempt “to distract” attention from the Southern Baptist Convention’s “historical failure” in responding to allegations of sex abuse.
This post appears in its entirety at Capstone Report.
Read the filed lawsuit here:
Adultery may not be on the level of pedophilia, but it is abusive. It is abusive to one’s spouse and children. In the case of a pastor, it is abusive to the church, and to church universal.
Hunt’s defiant, rebellious, and unrepentant attitude is disqualifying in and of itself. Downplaying his admitted adultery as if it’s no big deal.
All sexual immorality is abusive. And the Bible often puts it all into the same category (porneiai). It is given as one of the main reasons God will unleash His final judgment. Sexual immorality is most definitely not “no big deal”
Not to say that I’m taking sides or agreeing with a list or website which presumes guilt by accusation (which is also abusive to those who may be falsely accused and their family and church and church universal). If I were on the jury, I’d probably have to ask the judge for a “none of the above” option.
The arrogance and worldly mindset of both men is something to behold.
You have a pastor and former president of the SBC making an argument “it was consensual” when from a biblical standpoint, when it comes to sexual immorality, consent is not a factor outside of God’s design for marriage between one male and one female. As far as I know, the bounds of marriage is the one and only context in which it is even alluded to, in the scripture that says not to deny your spouse. Other than that, it is not in the Bible anywhere. And understandably so, because it’s egregiously sinful whether anyone else willingly went along or not. Outside the bounds of God’s design for marriage, “it was consensual” does not make it right, or any less sinful, or any less abusive.
But both men set aside God’s Word and make their primary standard is the laws of mankind, and society at large. As if that makes it ok because the laws of Caesar say it’s ok, and “society” agrees.
Can you imagine one of the Apostles arguing, “well, it’s ok because it’s legal in Rome, and accepted in Roman society”
What’s sad is that these men, along with Abuse Inc., do not have the first clue how much of a disgrace they truly are.
Both “sides” are ripping away at God’s Word just as fast and hard as they possibly can.
Barber and the rest of Abuse Inc. do the same thing. Measuring what constitutes abuse not by biblical standards, but by standards of society, autocrats, government. And they do this when such contrived worldly standards consider spanking your child to be abusive, yet having them mutilated into an abomination that the Lord detests (Duet. 22:5) is considered a beneficial act of love.
Total disgrace.