Church Group Gets Kicked Out Of Shepherds Conference For Passing Out THIS Heretical Literature

A church group attending the Shepherds Conference and handing out literature offering $25,000 to anyone who can come to their church and convince them that justification is not by faith alone, were kicked out of the event, with members appealing to John MacArthur to show more grace at their removal.

The group in question are members of Christ Covenant Church (Denver, CO) led by ‘pastor’ Scott Jarrett, who have become convinced justificaton by faith alone is not sufficient for salvation.

They have the same conference challenge on their website. In order to apply to teach them and possibly earn $25K, you must:

  • be a pastor, teacher, apologist, theologian, or scholar affiliated with a recognized Evangelical church, school, institution, or ministry.
  • agree that all 66 books of the Protestant Bible are the inspired and infallible words of God and are the final authority in all things.
  • agree to the discussion being filmed. We own all recordings and can use any portion for our purposes. No portion of the broadcast may be used without our express approval.
  • agree to abide by the rules of engagement established by us for the process of discussion. 

Johnson pointing out this heresy prompted them to respond.

At some point they were removed.

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7 thoughts on “Church Group Gets Kicked Out Of Shepherds Conference For Passing Out THIS Heretical Literature

  1. This approach has become standard procedure for a small or insignificant person or group to gain a following or notoriety. Articles like this are what they rely upon primarily.

    Julie Roys has her version of it, and this group now has material to post on YouTube to draw in others who likewise show opposition to Grace Community and gatherings of men.

    Finding a venue that would in-fact eventually kick them out, and conducting themselves in a way that would eventually get them kicked out was necessary to secure the required notoriety. Mission accomplished.

    Now they have numerous people reading their literature who would not otherwise do so. Same with Julie Roys.

    1. Paul, I believe you are correct. This was a publicity stunt, not an actual plea for correctional teaching.

  2. Correctional teaching is abundantly available, in both modern versions or historical. Expositional preaching from God’s Word related to the 5 Solas of the Reformation has been a common practice for hundreds of years.

    As you said, a publicity stunt for the naive or unlearned. The fact that they offered a large financial incentive with specifically attached requirements and exclusive rights to edit and cherry-pick any public distribution of the “correction” further solidified the publicity nature of their intentions… with them in complete control of the narrative.

    They may be sincerely deceived in their beliefs, but their methods of advancing their beliefs are openly underhanded. That doesn’t seem to line up very well with their views of biblical based works they believe are necessary to continue in the grace of God.

  3. They deny the power thereof, just as bad as the antinomians, who pervert the grace of God into a license for immorality (Jude 3-16).

    It is true that one who is born of God will not continue in sin (1 John 3:4-10). Faith without works is dead (James 2:20,26)

    But that is the result of being saved by grace, becoming born again. It is the fruit.

    1. Many try to manufacture some sort of mutual exclusion between faith and works, as if the two are opposites or opposed. And this group has wrongly done so, by trying to draw a distinction where there is none, in the same manner as the antinomians.

      Such is not the case. In reality, at the deepest level, faith (true full submission) and works are essentially almost the same thing. By faith we fully submit to Jesus Christ as Lord, Savior, and Master. By faith we fear God. Where there is faith, there will be works, and there will be good fruit. Where there is sin, there is no faith. If we continue in sin, going our own way, going the way of the world, according to our own understanding, etc., we do so out of lack of faith – we do so because deep down we don’t really fully trust Him.

  4. This “church” has taken a huge step towards Rome. Daughters of the great harlot.

    Every other religion on the planet requires human effort to go to their version of heaven or to appease their god. Only one religion is of grace alone.

  5. I mean, it starts and stops with the thief on the cross. Did no work except believe and accepted Christ.

    Lemme know if they need my address to send me a check.

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