Biggest Manipulation Ever! Jesse Duplantis; Give Me Money so Jesus Doesn’t Have to Cry Anymore

Arch-heretic Jesse Duplantis, known for his love of filthy lucre and declaring that the Lord ‘flexes on him by ‘giving’ him a private jet, is a lost man. We wrote about him recently after he argued that if you don’t believe in the prosperity gospel as he does, one that has made him a multi-millionaire by savagely beating and twisting the scriptures for his gain for decades, then Jesus will tell you to “go to hell,” as you seemingly can’t handle all the riches that will be inlaid in heaven.

In a post a few days ago, he claimed to be the fulfillment of messianic prophesies eternally associated with Christ and in his new sermon, said that “When you see me, you see the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. You see God Incarnate.”

In a sermon seen 1.3 million times, where Duplantis talks about ‘his trip to heaven’, he recounts having a conversation with Jesus and seeing the Savior cry these big old tears, because he has to judge people and send them to hell. Allegedly, Jesus then pleads with Jesse to save more people because I’ll be one less tear he has to cry.

Then Duplantis says at the end of his sermon that Jesus asked him to ask people for money, because he knows that money will be used to save souls- one person per dollar- and then Jesus won’t have to cry so much.

This is perhaps the most blatant manipulation we have ever seen.

h/t Revealing Truth on YT

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