Phil Johnson Back On Twitter Following 5 Months Ban

Five months ago, the estimable Phil Johnson, Executive Director of Grace to You, founder and former curator of The Spurgeon Archive, and one of our favorite people ever, was permanently suspended from Twitter after he decried the stationing of drag-queen crossing guards at elementary schools as “state-sponsored grooming.” Johnson has 73.2k followers, 22k tweets, and millions of impressions.

The censorious, science-denying big tech overlords insisted that Johnson delete his tweet to have the ban lifted, something he said he wasn’t willing to do. 

After 145 days of banishment, Johnson has returned, explaining that Twitter modified its terms so that he was given the option to delete his tweet without acknowledging that he committed hate speech. Johnson stands by his tweet, (as do we, it’s a fine tweet) but removing it now under these conditions does not violate his conscience.

We’re happy to have the brother back.

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3 thoughts on “Phil Johnson Back On Twitter Following 5 Months Ban

    1. While I tend to agree, his audience is many-fold larger with Twitter, and his influence on an increasingly lost generation is much more effective. He’s not reversed his position one bit, just eliminated one Tweet. That being said, he will likely be banned again, unfortunately.

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