41 Churches In North Texas Voted To Leave The United Methodist Church

(LP) The United Methodist Church (UMC) is experiencing a historic rift within its community. In December 2022, over 400 churches in Texas voted to leave their parent denomination, following other congregations in North Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Arkansas and Florida that left the church en masse. 

Now, hundreds of delegates gathered at Christ United Methodist Church in Plano on Saturday, March 4, for the North Texas Conference to vote for the departure of 41 local congregations from the denomination.

According to The Dallas Morning News, the split within the denomination results from a disagreement among the community regarding the inclusion of LGBTQ people. This dispute found expression during the 2019 UMC General Conference — UMC’s highest lawmaking body— when, by a slim margin, the conference affirmed a conservative stance against the ordinance of openly gay ministers and same-sex marriage. 

Bishop Ruben Saenz Jr. from the… to continue reading click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Virginia Mingorance and published at Local Profile

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2 thoughts on “41 Churches In North Texas Voted To Leave The United Methodist Church

  1. The spin those churches and ministers who stayed are making on the decision to leave is that “they just wanted the buildings and property.” I serve a small UMC church that is completely leftist. They didn’t even take a vote on a decision or not. That is the excuse I hear from people anytime this subject is brought up.

  2. It’s remarkable how good, God-fearing people can get indoctrinated and comfortable in some of these woke churches that have surrendered the Gospel in favor of anti-biblical pursuits.
    I know – my own 86-year-old father-in-law attends such a Methodist church in Lawrence, Kansas, and honestly believes that they are doing the Lord’s work in venerating LGBTQ unions, causes, and works as well as pursuing a racist ‘equity’ that demonizes one race over another. Sad.

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