Woke SBC Elites Plan to Make your Church Pay for Abuse at Other Churches

Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force Team Member floats trial balloon that entire SBC is responsible for abuse anywhere in SBC.
(Capstone Report) Your tiny, autonomous Baptist church just might be on the hook for some pervert working at a megachurch if a push by Woke SBC Elites comes to fruition. As the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) grapples with its response to sex abuse at autonomous churches, some involved in the process are floating the idea that every SBC cooperating church is responsible for abuse at any SBC cooperating church.
According to Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force Team member Todd Benkert, “Finally, and here I think is where I will get the most pushback, there is at least some responsibility for us as a denomination toward abuse that happens in ANY of our churches.”
You in a rural Alabama church are at least somewhat responsible for abuse at say a Dallas area megachurch. Or, more precisely, the dollars you and your members give to mission work through the Cooperative Program are at least somewhat up for grabs to the Woke SBC Elite and their lawyer buddies.
Oh, and in case you missed it, Benkert makes clear he wants to make your church pay for perverts that have no connection with your tiny congregation.
Benkert said, “Now, the extent of…to continue reading click here
. Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at The Capstone Report
Gee, that’s an awful lot like our tax dollars paying for abortions…