After 3 Years Dormant, Christian Apologist Justin Peters Back on Twitter

In October 2019, prominent Christian apologist Justin Peters, who was previously very active on Twitter, deactivated his account. A few days prior, he tweeted out a message urging caution over celebrating the salvation and assured faith of Kanye West, who had just joined Joel Osteen at Lakewood Church, writing:

Though Peters has been vindicated three years on, some of the responses he got were particularly vicious and mean-spirited, impugning evil intent and ascribing to him false motives. His wife Kathy saw the comments and was concerned. Not caring much for social media as a whole, she recognized it as a frequent breeding ground for unchristlike behavior, gossip, slander all manner of evil speech, especially towards he husband. She asked Justin if he would delete his account, being a stumbling block to her, and he gladly consented.
Three years later, he has reemerged, explaining that after talking over it with his wife over the last few months, he’s decided to come back in a limited way.
He will not be as active as he previously was but will instead use it as a tool to primarily give ministry updates and share his content from other platforms, such as YouTube, which has become a significant part of his ministry and where he’s been active.
In short, Twitter just got a whole lot better.
Justin Peters was correct in what he was saying about trying the spirits before yu believe everything you read. Glad your back.
Support him. He’s a great voice for Biblical truth.
Seems we’re beginning to get a clearer picture of why Andy Stanley has fallen away over the years, why he waffles, why he double-speaks, and why he tries to sit the fence, when he knows what he is saying is contrary to scripture. North Point is overrun with wolves, and Andy Stanley is giving his “career” significantly higher priority than he should.
Stanley is not a leader. He’s a follower. And he’s a follower who’s been led far astray. It doesn’t matter how many years a man attends college and seminary, how much knowledge, training, and qualifications he obtains, it is worthless if he has not been called. Only God can make a man a shepherd. The gifts, talents, abilities, and most important qualities required of a shepherd, are things that only God can give.
Some people don’t like hearing that truth, and upon hearing it they are filled with envy and jealousy, which only further exposes their lack of calling, reinforcing the scriptural truth even more.
About the only things Stanley is shepherding and protecting right now are his own “career”, wallet, and reputation among the wolves.
Sorry, that was meant to be posted on the previous article.
Though I do have some thoughts that have been on my mind lately related to how the Apostles called out false teachers and false doctrine. They often did so by conveying principles. I’ve imagined they often knew exactly who the false teachers were, but rather than calling them out directly by name, the apostles would indirectly say something like “it is reported that there are false teachers among you” and then proceed to destroy the false doctrine. Whoever reported to the Apostles, it seems to me, would’ve likely mentioned some names.
It’s something to consider. Being tactful. Avoiding getting into petty squabbles, where those who knee-jerk, defensively react are focused more on defending an individual than they are considering doctrine. But instead focusing on the truth. Which is not to say that there weren’t times when the Apostles did directly call out the false teachers by name, and there are times when we should do so also, instances where you can’t destroy the false doctrine without destroying the wolf, there are other times when we might be wise to take a more indirect approach.
Not saying I’m 100% correct on those thoughts. Just something that has been on my mind.
Peters remains faithful to the Gospel and unintimidated by the increasingly woke theological crowd – bravo!
I am torn about this guy as he trashes Ravi Zacharias without evidence and with made up requirements that had nothing to do with biblical life that he felt Mr. Zacharias violated.