Two Pastors Drop Major Bombshell Allegations Against Andy Stanley After Attending Private Q&A

Update. A third pastor has come forward corobborating the details and the story.
Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops. Luke 12:3
On Sept 19, 2019, Andy Stanley participated in a private dinner with several pastors in Gilbert, Arizona. Stanley was in town for a conference and after it ended, local clergy joined him for a Q & A that was not live-streamed and was closed to the public.
There, Stanley spent the next hour and a half spouting deeply troubling and unbiblical views on homosexuality, shocking other people in the room. He suggested there’s room for gay marriage in the church, that he might officiate a gay wedding, and that we shouldn’t tell people they need to give up their homosexuality to follow and remain in Christ.
This is according to the testimony of Ryan Visconti, the pastor of Generation Church in Mesa, Arizona, who publicly purported to be there. Ryan’s testimony was confirmed by another witness, Luke Simmons, the Pastor at Redemption Gateway who was also in attendance at this clandestine event and confirmed the details.

Visconti writes:

This lines up with our recent report, where we detailed how North Point Community Church openly partners with and promotes gay-affirming ministries, which are deeply entwined with his care and counselling network. When parents who have LBGTQ+ kids come in for counselling, they are not told that their kids’ sexuality can be redeemed, but rather is set in stone and must be accepted.

Earlier today, Andy Stanely and his PR team deleted the sermon from their website, after getting heat for saying gays have more faith than straight Christians and for criticizing so-called “clobber” verses.

Unfortunately for them and blessed for us, we have the relevant portions uploaded below.
Stanley is getting exposed in a big way, and after covering him and his theological shenanigans for nearly a decade, we couldn’t be happier.
You’ll recall that Stanley previously said that it doesn’t matter if the bible is true, so long as it’s ‘mostly reliable, and that the “foundation of our faith is not the whole bible. In 2018, he got shellacked from all sides for saying that Christians needed to unhitch themselves from the Old Testament and in a recent sermon told Christians not to follow Jesus through the Old Testament, but only through the Gospels. In the last year, he also said he preached in a way that gave pagans permission not to believe, went all in on Critical Race Theory by saying ‘it’s not enough to be ‘not racist.’ you must be ‘anti-Racist’+ you’re all racists, and then argued that white people fear black men.
The message must always be The Cross and Blood of Jesus will: heal, save, fill, deliver, and remove you from all sins”. Preaching anything less than being “Wholly Sanctified” is cheapening the power of Christ Cross. In my mind what is point of becoming christian if it does not offer something more? The hope of deliverance from evil is the power of salvation. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for HE has visited and redeemed his people, & has raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David;… That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us; To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant; …That he would grant unto us, that we being DELIVERED out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, In HOLINESS & RIGHTEOUSNESS before him, all the days of our life.”
and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord, Heb12:14
There are several Biblical passages clearly predicting and warning us about evil people such as Andy Stanley.
2 Timothy 4: 3-4
3 – “For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.”
4- “They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths..”
This is the most apostate message I have ever heard, read the scriptures Andy!
The thief can’t hold on to it’s plunder and be redeemed, neither can the sinner hold on to their sin and expect redemption.
Andy Stanley sold his soul to the world a long time ago.
Sad to see a man with such influence make the decision to ignore Scripture as well as God’s ability to deliver anyone from anything.
Andy has the platform he does because of his last name. If his name was Andy Smith he would be irrelevant to most people. Sad to see so many “pastors” deny the word of God. Kudos to Luke Simmons and Ryan Visconti.
Heretic Stanly is emulating Johann Tetzel who in 1517 preached “that the purchase of a letter of indulgence entailed the forgiveness of sins” which of course Martin Luther took umbrage with and started The Reformation
Christian faithful must conduct a wholesale purge of the unfaithful, blasphemous, heretics, who have infiltrated its ranks from the Pope through the Evangelicals and restore the faith to its founding.
Why is anyone surprised? Didn’t you see this coming with his “we need to unhitch from the Old Testament?”
Exactly. Probably preached that to get away from OT morality (and a six day creation). Unfortunately for him, all types of sexual deviance is condemned in the New Testament as well!
Apostasy Rising…
I guess bible thumpers forgot to read “judge not, for ye shall be judges”
Judging hastily, without facts, and not in accordance with the Word of God are all warned against. However judging righteously (according to God’s standards) is necessary. Otherwise we will not be able to discern good from evil, right from wrong, or truth from error.
“Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.” (John 7:24)
Wow…. This “Bible thumper” READ his Bible, and saw this;
“1Co 5:11 But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one.
1Co 5:12 For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge?
By your post, I “judge” that you haven’t read much of your Bible. 🙂
It is sad to witness Andy Stanley actively dragging his congregation to hell. 😢
And Abraham Piper must be relieved to know he is no longer the most infamous of well-known PKs.
I will pray for Stanley to repent and change his teaching, or God will send judgment.
“If there is somebody you can’t minister to because of your theology, you have the wrong theology.”
The logical conclusion to his worldview is Pedo’s and Satanist should not be condemned from the church just because they want to remain in that lifestyle and also believe is Jesus. They should be able to bring their lifestyle in the church. If they are gay and married break bread with them. If they want to sacrifice a child they kidnapped a few days ago in the church parking lot. Then schedule on a Wednesday night after service in the sunday school room.
His comment makes a false conclusion that to minister you have to approve lifestyles.
Yes, agreed!
Uber-liberal views are the norm for Dallas Theological Seminary grads. It’s a dispensational / theological pit.
Has anyone here read Matthew 18 or Galations 6? I have not read one comment here where anyone has gone to Andy personally or corporately. If you are posting anything derogatory about Andy before you follow Jesus instructions about your charges you are just as guilty of sin as you charge Andy to be. Nobody should be allowed to comment at all about a brother in Christ until they have met with him. If the people who run this website do not follow scripture in this and take down all posts until Matthew 18 is satisfied then this site does not take scripture as inerrant, infallible word of God. I look forward to the report on this and all issues pertaining to Andy after you have followed the Matthew 18 process.
Do you really think he’d listen? Andy Stanley is a mega-church leader. I’m sure conservative Christian members of his congregation have tried to talk with him. For those who have sent him letters, I’ve heard him mocks them/minimize their concerns during a sermon.
Andy’s believing friends no doubt do talk directly with him. I know his dad Dr. Charles Stanley has talked to him. What would be amazing is for Dr. S or Andy’s friend Louie Giglio (who has stayed true to Scripture) would publicly denounce Andy’s beliefs.
The standards you are speaking of (in Matt 18) are for interpersonal offenses, like with friends or family. Or if I worked closely with him, and he hurt my feelings. But I’m general, For leaders, the standard is for them to be publicly corrected. It’s not Matt 18, but covered elsewhere in the epistles. (Sorry don’t have the reference memorized.)
I live in the same area as Stanley and he still has a great reputation among most evangelicals. I’m surprised and blessed to hear that other leaders called him out.
Please see my new post instead, I fixed typos.
Do you really think he’d listen? Andy Stanley is a mega-church leader. I’m sure conservative Christian members of his congregation have tried to talk with him. For those who have sent him letters, I’ve heard him mock them/minimize their concerns during a sermon.
Andy’s Bible-believing friends no doubt do talk directly with him. I know his dad Dr. Charles Stanley has talked to him. What would be amazing is for Dr. S (his dad) or Andy’s friend Louie Giglio (who has stayed true to Scripture) would publicly denounce Andy’s beliefs.
The standards you are speaking of (in Matt 18) are for interpersonal offenses, like with friends or family. Or if I worked closely with him, and he hurt my feelings. But in general, for leaders, the standard is for them to be publicly corrected. It’s not Matt 18, but covered elsewhere in the epistles. (Sorry don’t have the reference memorized.)
I live in the same area as Stanley and he still has a great reputation among most evangelicals. I’m surprised and blessed to hear that other leaders called him out.
Andy Stanley’s pitfall isn’t believing that the Gospel is for all, regardless of how you may live today. It is believing that his worship services are for all. On the contrary, they are for the redeemed believer – to grow, to be edified, to be strengthened, to worship the God with whom they have a relationship thanks to Jesus. All of that, so they can be equipped to go and share the Gospel to all.
Inviting those willfully unrepentant to worship… what exactly are they worshiping or being prepared for? God does not yet know them, and won’t, until they repent. So, what is Andy Stanley actually providing these lost in his worship services… reinforced delusion? Self-help mantras? What is he providing the redeemed in his flock, if such exist… contradictions to the Word of God Himself? Obviously, this man needs prayer and to believe the Bible in its entirety is God’s Word. Those who account themselves a part of his church need to as well.
This is the truth taught by his dad.
Andy knows better if he truly believes! God will deal with him.