Podcast: The Morality of Cremation, Funerals, and Is It Sinful to Shack Up If Everyone Promises To Be Celibate?

Cremation has become an increasingly popular alternative to traditional burial but is it something Christians should be ok with? This debate has only surfaced in modern times as before this the only acceptable form of funeral for a Christian was traditional burial. In fact every positive treatment of a deceased person in scripture involves burial. Why has cremation become popular? Is there any room for in the Christian worldview? Tim and Harrison work through it all.

On another segment, the claim is made that when it comes to marriage you need to “try it before you buy it.” This sentiment is unfortunately, even echoed in Christian circles. After all there is no passage of scripture that states “Thou shalt not shack up.” If that is the case how should we view a couple that lives together outside of marriage that promises to remain celibate? Is there sin there? Are there any relevant commands to this situation? Is it sinful, unwise, or totally ok? Find out on this episode of Bible Bashed.

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