Tim Keller Says Negotiating Car Prices is Racist and *Systemic Evil*

Tim Keller, founder of The Gospel Coalition and cultural Marxist extraordinaire, has a long history of saying awful, terrible things. There was the time his church called for more same-sex intimacy in churches, trashed the Social Justice and the Gospel Statement, endorsed the notion of a “gay Christian,” affirmed Christians have “liberty of conscience” to vote for pro-abortion Democrats, praised a pro-abortion Roman Catholic as believer who has shown the world a “brilliant example of how to be a Christian in the public square” and who has been a ‘witness’ for his faith in a “form the culture can handle,” and explained that Christians will be purged from government and schools and that they brought it on themselves.
In fact, he’s usually so bad and distinctive in his wrongness, that we created a Tweet Generator about him.
One of the worst things he’s said that is germane to the discussion, referenced here, is all white people participate in racial injustice simply by existing.
“If you have that asset of white skin…the Bible actually says ‘yes you do…you are involved in injustice’, and even if you didn’t actually do it, therefore you have a responsibility. Not just to say “well, maybe if I get around to it, maybe we can do something about the poor people out there.’ No- you’re part of the problem.
In a newly unearthed clip, Keller explains that when white people negotiate car prices with black women, they’re participating in a systemic form of racism.
Let me give you a mini-system. I knew a man who was the head of a set of car dealerships in the South. And the car dealerships, the way in which things were done was you could come in and negotiate and the salesman had a pretty big window of what they could give you the car for.
So they would negotiate and you would negotiate, and it was a way of- it was a lot of horse trading going on, except it was car trading, I guess. And the salesmen couldn’t go lower than this, but they could get as high- and so it was it was partly, it was a tradition. Somebody did some research and found out that A) men always were better negotiators with the salesmen than women. And white men and black men were better negotiators than African American women.
And so when somebody actually looked at what was going on, African American women were regularly paying far more for their cars and actually subsidizing the the price of what white men were paying for cars in that particular town.
And so they realized that even though nobody thought they were doing something, and if the result was unjust, and it was unjust, then even though there was nobody in there who originally had said, “let’s do it this way, because that way, we will really hurt African American women”, but they were hurting African American women.
There’s two things you can do. On the one hand, you could say ‘because we’re not deliberately trying to hurt African American women, we make better profits this way, we have no responsibility’, but the owner, a Christian man, said we do. And he changed the model. He changed the whole approach. His own profits have gone down, but he says it’s the only way to be just.
Have you got the eyes to see systemic evil? Or are you a typical white Westerner? I know a lot of you aren’t white. And a lot of you aren’t Westerners, but I’m particularly looking to you.
‘Let me give you a mini-system’…
No, Tim. I will not.
You’re not a preacher, or a teacher. You’re a story teller, and your stories are just plain ludicrous. If they weren’t so specious, pernicious and deceptive, they may have been amusing.
Have you ever considered going back to school and learning how to exegete scripture and then teach it? I suppose not.
Absolute idiocy, but Keller jumped the theological shark long ago…
That he did.
He can’t even correctly interpret his own statistics, which would also indicate that black men paid less than white women.
How about unjust it is how black folks, especially women, predominate in the government sector for work and are often able to retire in their late 40s to early 50s and collect on their pensions for decades, usually more than they worked. Since so relatively few white men work in government, isn’t that unjust, Tim? I think he must be insane.