Pastor Excoriates Voters For Considering Choosing DeSantis Over Trump: “Shame on You! Trump is God’s Hand”

Shane Vaughn is the leader of First Harvest Ministries and the pastor of First Harvest Church in Waveland, Mississippi, a Pentecostal unitarian congregation with all the heresy and trappings of a cult. He is perhaps best known for his adoration and near beatification of former President Donald Trump, who, in the aftermath of his 2020 presidential loss, insisted that Trump would still come back and oust Biden. He argued that it was all part of God and Trump’s 4-D chess master plan to expose the underbelly of a corrupt political system and that “God allowed him to be moved temporarily, to expose this and come back and be able to fix this mess. It’s going to be phenomenal.”

In a recent video, Vaughn chastised anyone considering voting for anyone other than Donald Trump, saying that Trump was God’s hand and raised up by God to “deliver America.”

Only God’s hand, only Yahweh’s hand, the Almighty Yah of Israel, can save America now. And the only way he can do it is with his hands. He did it in the Old Testament through a leader called Joab. And he’s going to do it again with a leader called Donald Trump and an army of truth.

That army of truth is you. And ladies and gentlemen, you must give up the faith. Do you even care anymore? There are some of you watching me right now that are even looking at other candidates; Ron DeSantis, and others. Shame on you!

He continues:

Hear the voice of truth. Yahweh raised up a deliverer for the nation of America, to deliver her from the lies, with the strength of truth. And I don’t care who takes that out of context, be my guest.

God raised up a man and he’s going to raise him up again, and if you get off the Trump train, you’re gonna get on the trash train that goes to nowhere, but the dump. (Unintelligible) the train ladies and gentlemen. Recognize the hand of God on a man, recognize his hand on a leader. Get behind him with his flaws. Whatever it is, get behind him, and you’ll be blessed. I said, you will be blessed. Yahweh has blessed me beyond your wildest imagination, because I stood for Donald Trump.

h/t Christian Nightmares on Twitter

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8 thoughts on “Pastor Excoriates Voters For Considering Choosing DeSantis Over Trump: “Shame on You! Trump is God’s Hand”

  1. Trump is but a sinful man that may – or may not – be used of God in the future.

    God can use anyone, even Biden

  2. Nothing says “God’s anointed” like a big spending (as much as Obama in half the time), homosexuality promoting (can look it up- DJT has been named the “most pro-homosexual president in history”), Fauci enabling, jab-pushing, McCarthy/swamp enabling, blaspheming (also available online), egomaniacal narcissist like the impotent and faithless Trump. It makes sense that he thinks Trump is God-like; Trump thinks the same thing. Cultist gonna cult, and that applies to both Pentecostals and orange calf populists. What is he now…like 112? We DEFINITELY need more geriatric patients in office. I wonder if he’ll have a new and younger wife for the election.

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  4. While I have been a steadfast supporter of politician Trump, it is an undeniable truth that DeSantis shares his agenda but without the pettiness, mean-spiritedness, and constant self-harm practiced by Trump. DeSantis would unquestionably be a more effective leader.

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