Protestia Suspended From Twitter for Violating ‘Hateful Content’ Policy

Yesterday we received a 12-hour suspension from Twitter under their rules against ‘hateful conduct’ after one of our comments was flagged. In a discussion, we were challenging the notion that the gospel and the redeeming work of Christ are not efficacious for all people so that even pedophiles can be saved, can have their grotesque and perverse minds sanctified by Christ, and as a result, should be able to attend a local church. (We specified in this post that due to the nature of the sin, if they are not legally barred from being around children, they ought to be accompanied at all times by an elder or deacon while on church property or at church functions, without exception)
For this, we got axed for a bit:
It’s a reminder that even under Elon Musk, Twitter is a dangerous place to be. Getting removed from the platform would be a significant loss for us, as we do all we can to expose theological mischief makers and try to be a quick and concise discernment resource chock full of primary sources and references. Your financial help ensures that we have options to live on even if this happens.
If you already support our work financially- thank you so much. We will never take for granted the sacrifices you make to give to us, and in return, we do all we can to stretch and be smart about what we have been given. Always give to your family first, your church second, and us last. If you are not part of a local church or are not actively looking for one to attend, stop sending us any money and stop reading us, as this website is not for you.
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Lastly, if you cannot support us except by prayer and supplication, then that is awesome too. Knowing we have saints lifting us up gives us confidence and infuses us with enthusiasm to keep going despite pushback and grief.
In Christ, David and Dustin
I’ve never understood how places like Facebook and Twitter can dictate what people say on their platforms. I get it that they are owners etc. That is not beyond me. What is beyond me is that they are acting like publishers when they censor and edit things people say. If that’s the case of them acting like publishers, shouldn’t they be held liable for everything that is said on their platforms? It seems like they are trying to have it both ways. Dictate “free” speech and get away with being unaccountable.
There was an old court case involving CompuServe in the 90’s where this distinction was made. I think the work around for current platforms is that they are suspending and banning accounts rather than editing posts.
You violated the 1st Commandment of the new established wokeist religion: “thou shalt not bear true witness”
I completely disagree with your statement . . . “Getting removed from the platform would be a significant loss for us . . . ” God does not NEED Twitter. God does not NEED Protestia. God uses means, yes, and He has established those means, Twitter is not one of them.
True. What, pray tell did God do for the past 6000 years when we didn’t have Fakebook and Twitters?!
Just when you think sanity is returning to Twitter, it’s gone just like that.
Until the godless commie-wannabe employees are expelled, I fear this sort of idiocy will remain.
Would you let your child be near a “changed” pedophile?
I think any true repentance would involve a very circumspect avoidance of temptation that once led to sin. If I was an alcoholic and have repented, I would avoid hanging out in bars. Thus, when someone tells me they have repented, I look to see how casually they handle their old sin. If a changed pedophile (you don’t see them all that often) wants to be around a child, I don’t trust his repentance.
Jesus said those who mess around with children should have millstones hung around their necks and drowned though.
No, He said their punishment will be worse than that. Luke 17:2, Matt. 18:6, Mark 9:42