Todd White Posts Fake Leg-Lengthening Video Ft. Young Children

Charismatic evangelist and professional cold-reader and leg-lengthener Todd White has re-upped one of his greatest hits on his website, posting a video of him doing a fake-miracle parlor trick on a group of teens.

For a brief time, many had thought the notorious heretic had repudiated his false beliefs after delivering an emotional sermon where he admitted he was not preaching the full gospel– leaving people to wonder if he’d been saved. We put on our discernment caps and explained this is how we would know he was repentant. Sadly, the next week he demonstrated that he was not. Since then, he claimed that Jesus BECAME child pornography and bestiality on the cross and sampled Aerosmith as a prophetic worship song, showing that he’s sketchy as ever.
Leading figures in Christian discernment, like Justin Peters and Chris Rosebrough, have suggested that Todd White is demon-possessed. We absolutely concur and believe strongly that, along with Kenneth Copeland and Todd Bentley, the extent of demonic possession over this man is more profound and apparent than most.
Unlike the misled youth pastor down at the Assembly of God who might get carried away with old wives’ tales of the goofy-miraculous, White is not an ordinary charismatic. White engages in parlor trickery that must be learned, practiced, and honed. His leg-lengthening stunts, mentalism, cold readings, and street-level “healings” are all tricks learned and mastered by secular magicians.
He has not just ignorantly bought into a Sid-Roth-Style charismaticism; he has had 100% knowledge that the tricks he regularly employs to make him famous are manufactured and manipulative.
In the case of leg lengthening, White claims that someone’s in some pain because their legs are different lengths, and he can fix it by having them grow. He has them sit in a chair and shows the discrepancy, flashing the camera a closeup to prove his point. However, the con has already begun because of the way and angle he holds the legs in the first place. White then manipulates the leg, ankle, hip, and shoe, saying spiritual words and pleading ‘in Jesus’ name’ while pulling, tweaking, and rotating until voila, healing! The leg has been regrown.
In short, Todd White is the worst of tricksters and miracle hustlers. His career has been to dupe religious types and gullible people into believing he is sincere, and he does it repeatedly.
h/t to Brother John Elving on YT, who does a longer video with commentary, as well as uses measurement tools to show White is engaging in pure manipulation.
Religious hucksters abound – nothing has changed over thousands of years.
What is it that makes the Charismatic False Teachers wear the most ridiculous ‘hairstyles’!?!?
Remember Benny Hinns come over? He made Trumps look like a Marine Crew Cut. 😂
And Jan Crouch…I don’t need to say anything about that pink think on top of her head😂
In addition to these people being pathological liars, they have TERRIBLE taste in clothing and haircuts.
I think new believers should be taught that until they are grown up in the word a good tool for discernment is the hair!
Avoid any all teachers with bad doos!
I suggest it may be because of their narcissistic tendencies – something many ‘celebrity’ religious leaders have in common.