Megachurch Christmas Service Features Shirtless, Pantless Dancers Gyrating

Sunshine Cathedral, billed as ‘The World’s Largest, Progressive Queer Church,’ describes itself as “a different kind of church where the past is the past and the future has infinite possibilities.”
Led by the Rev. Durrell Watkins, every service includes some LBGTQ+ tie-in or message because he is unable to read even the simplest parts of scripture correctly, as this is not really a church, but rather a holding chamber for hell. The church doesn’t always have ‘scripture readings’, however, and occasionally will have “Sikh readings” such as God dwells in everything, so look for God in your own heart and “Quran readings.”
Because there’s not a single solitary soul saved there, they thought it would be completely fine to feature several half-naked men dancing to a Christmas remake of ‘Body Shop’ for one of their holiday services.
Pray for their salvations.
h/t The Dissenter
One can only imagine the reaction of The Great I Am to this satanic wickedness…
Sucks to be them.
I am literally speechless at the evil.