Jemar Tisby Cuts a Promo Video For Abortion-Loving ‘Christians’

Prior to the 2022 midterms, Jemar Tisby cut a video for Critical race Theorist Ibram X Kendi’s “Emancipator” news outlet, promoting Raphael Warnock and William Barber as positive examples of faith-based politics, despite both men enthusiastically affirming child sacrifice for prosperity (CSP) and queer syncretism.

You’ll recall Kendi previously hired Tisby to be his new ‘Assistant Director of Narrative and Advocacy’ at the Center for Antiracist Research, and the two have been conspiring together ever since. Tibsy is the author of The Color of Compromise and How to Fight Racism who has an openly pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ woman leading his Christian organization and who has praised and platformed a Universalist Anti-Christ pastrix. He explains in the video:
While the white Christian nationalist crusade threatens the future of our democracy, it’s not the only way people of faith have engaged in politics. For example, the black Christian tradition represents a very different way people of faith have engaged with politics, a way that historically has led to more democratic participation and an expansion of civil rights and inclusion. No faith community is perfect, and the black Christian tradition doesn’t always get it right. But it serves as a valuable reminder that the white Christian nationalist crusade isn’t the only witness to faith in politics.
That there is a tradition of working toward a multiracial, inclusive democracy fueled by a very different understanding of Christianity. We can look at people like William J. Barber, who helped revive the Poor People’s Campaign, Latosha Brown, leader of Black Voters Matter. And Chris Jones, physicist and ordained minister, who’s running for governor of Arkansas. All of them are vocal about the role of faith in their activism, and working to break the old molds of whose voices and whose votes count in this country. White Christian nationalism is a dangerous and urgent threatened United States. We should know about it. We should understand it so we can resist this anti-democratic crusade.
That Tisby believes most of these people are Christians is pathetic.
Pastor Raphael Warnock’s pagan liberalism and heresy are well-established, as you don’t get endorsed by Planned Parenthood without being a bit of a heretic. Chris Jones is a pro-pro LBGTQ minister who was least seen preaching at a Unitarian Universalist church. And Barber?
Barber is the campaign chair at the Poor People’s Campaign and the progressive pastor of Greenleaf Christian Church in Goldsboro, North Carolina. His church is part of the apostate Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination, a 250,000-member maligner of God’s word, characterized by a rejection of the Christian creeds, the freedom to deny essential doctrines like the Trinity or Atonement, and full acceptance or LGBTQ+ and abortion rights. The denomination has only one belief- you must believe Jesus is God, but other than that, how that is expressed and everything else is up to you. Barber has adopted that with enthusiasm, having previously teamed up with Planned Parenthood for pro-choice rallies and recently having preached this bender:
That he would lift up these men as positive examples of Christian witness shows how compromised and hopelessly lost he he truly is.
h/t to @wokepreacertv.
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