Episcopal Church Releases 2021 Membership and Attendance Numbers. It’s Catastrophic

With a median congregational age of 69 and a commitment to social justice caramels, the Episcopal Church is dying, both figuratively and literally. 

According to their newly-released 2021 Parochial Report, average Sunday attendance is down 36% since last year, from 547,000 people in 2019, 483,000 in 2020 to just 312,000 in 2021. Given the denomination claims 1.6 million baptized members, only 19% of its claimed members are attending services regularly.

According to the denomination’s own projections, attendance will decline by 98% by 2041. Episcopal priestess Rev. Dwight Zscheile has lamented the losses noting, “At this rate, there will be no one in worship by around 2050 in the entire denomination.”

The apostate denomination took an enormous hit in 2020, losing nearly 12% of its congregation members in just one year. According to reports by the Office of the General Convention, they’ve dropped 20% since 2016 and 25% since 2012.

That particular report revealed more startling information, such as 10% of their congregations have 20 people or less, 5% have 10 people or less, and the average congregation is around 50 people, the overwhelming number of them senior citizens. One diocese for example, the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan, only has 385 members spread across 21 churches, and it just disappeared.

Unsurprisingly, Episcopalian giving was up 3% from the year before. This is because Episcopalians have historically been an affluent denomination, being funded by the hordes of men and women who die and then leave the church in their will as a beneficiary to their estate. They are being kept running by the deaths of their deceived denizens, but not much longer. 

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9 thoughts on “Episcopal Church Releases 2021 Membership and Attendance Numbers. It’s Catastrophic

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  3. Given the fact that the Episcopal church has almost fully abandoned Christ and the Truth, the news that attendance is down is GOOD.

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