Pulpit & Pen Has Been Resurrected: Here’s Who’s Running it and The Changes They’re Making

A few days ago, readers at Protestia noticed that we linked to a post from Pulpit & Pen, our old haunt prior to being deplatformed. Since transitioning the site has been dormant, serving as a library of resources on account of the thousands of articles written. After J.D. Hall left the ministry and exited polemics, we intended to leave it as is, having no wish to erase a decade of work by our dear friend and founder. It was a communal site, with four different people having access to it and all having a stake in it.
Then we had a scare where we almost lost the site, but were able to resurrect it and retain possession of it once more. This instilled a desire to ensure it lives on it a more meaningful way, and so long time contributor to Pulpit & Pen, Seth Dunn, has taken over and implemented some changes. We’ve moved it over to a new server to ensure it never goes down again. He’s in charge over there, and has already made some alterations to the site, as he explains in the new About Us section:
“Pulpit & Pen is a Christian blog that seeks to restore its reputation as the “Rolex of Watchblogs” and preserve for posterity its extensive catalogue of the theological downgrade within the Southern Baptist Convention and greater American Evangelicalism. This website was founded by former Montana pastor Jordan Hall as a companion to his once-popular Pulpit & Pen podcast. For nearly a decade, Hall and an ever-revolving team of writers warned readers about charlatan preachers, false teachers, and denominational corruption. After a series of disqualifying events in the year 2022, Jordan Hall left vocational ministry. This website has been left the hands of its longest-tenured contributors. Although Pulpit and Pen is no longer formally associated with or owned by Jordan Hall, his written contributions to the site remain.”
Along with turning off almost all ads altogether, Seth has also removed curated posts and most posts having to do with politics, reinforcing its identity as polemical and not political. Furthermore, some of the original titles will be modified and some of the harsher, incendiary language has been removed.
Christians are well within reason to be angry and upset about the many theological atrocities of the type criticized at Pulpit & Pen. Without fear of the “tone police,” Christians should be free to speak their minds and make harsh condemnations of heresy and heterodoxy. Pulpit & Pen does not desire to pull its punches. Nevertheless, a lot of the language used at Pulpit & Pen has been unnecessarily inflammatory. Sinful lifestyles and theological stupidity can de decried without the use of epithets. Let the focus be that the writers at Pulpit & Pen are over the right target, not on the terminology or tone employed. As they are noticed (there are hundreds of articles at this site), articles with unnecessarily inflammatory language will be removed or edited.
As for us, we love Pulpit & Pen, and will treat it as the highly useful and awesome resource that it is. Seth won’t be posting new content that frequently, but when he writes a good article, we will post it here. He also has our permission to freely repost our content over there, whenever he sees fit.
It’s his baby now, and we look forward to see what he does with it.
Sounds good, but what are we to do about the fact that Seth is not a Calvinist and you know what Spurgeon said about Calvinism?
Sounds good but don’t make it too politically correct – JD’s justified outrage and fire were the primary reason this site was so dynamic.