Baptist University Caves to LBGTQ Ideology in the Most Schizophrenic Way Possible

Eastern University has been lost for a while. Founded in 1925 and affiliated with the American Baptist Churches USA denomination, the Philadelphia-based institution was once very theologically conservative and biblically faithful. Over the last few decades, they have become progressively more progressive, reflecting its denomination’s heterodox views, which have affirmed abortion and same-sex marriage as par for the course and a matter of personal liberty and conscience.
Recently, they updated their policies to allow LGBTQ faculty and non-discrimination protections for gay and lesbian students.
As a result, the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) has revoked their membership, allowing them to spin off into woke irrelevancy because they capitulated to their rainbow gods.
The hotpot for heresy counts among their faculty Tony Campolo of Red Letter Christians and late Ron Sider, known as a founding signatory and member of ‘Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden. ‘Other notable alums include raging heretic Peter Enns, Bryan Stevenson, the founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, and Abti-capitol punishment activist Shane Claiborne. RNS explains the changes:
Until this semester, Eastern welcomed LGBTQ students and allowed a student-led club, Refuge, to advocate for LGBTQ students. But its student handbook banned “inappropriate displays of affection” and “sexual intimacy … outside of marriage between a man and a woman.”
That has now been amended. Sex outside of marriage is still prohibited, but marriage is no longer defined as the union of a man and a woman. The new policy states:
“It is the University’s position that sexual intimacy is prohibited outside the commitment and bond of marriage. The University reserves the right to take action under the Code of Conduct for students found in violation of this policy.”
In short, the handbook was updated to say it’s a sin to have sex outside of marriage (for now) but not a sin for LGBTQ folk to get married to each other. It’s just the sort of thing lost people would think up.
God set the boundaries and man moves them.
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