‘Christian Petition’ Against Donald Trump’s 2024 Bid Has Amassed 15k Signatures

A ‘Christian’ organization has launched a petition against Donald Trump’s 2024 Presidential bid, garnering nearly 15,000 signatures from like-minded Christians, specifically those who say they do not want him to run.

The group, Faithful America, is a progressive leftist organization run by the Rev. Nathan Empsall (he/him), a lost Episcopalian priest. They have seen some activism successes, such as “helping Catholic students win justice for their fired gay principal” and “defeating a fracking pipeline with Catholic sisters in Kentucky.” According to their website, their mission is:

“…fighting for social, economic, and racial justice, standing with the Black Lives Matter movement and upholding the Gospel’s values of love, equality, and dignity. Together, we’re helping make a difference for immigrants, refugees, the climate, the LGBTQ community, and more.”

The group has set a new goal of 20,000 Christian signees. While they have not endorsed any candidate, they are deeply opposed to Trump running again, explaining:

We don’t know much yet out how the 2024 election will play out, but one thing is certain: Another Trump presidency would be a disaster for our country. 

The insurrectionist ex-president — who infamously tear-gassed peaceful protesters to take a photo-op with a Bible outside an Episcopal church that didn’t support him — repeatedly weaponized religion in his last two campaigns, and 2024 will be no different. Multiple power-hungry pastors and Christian-nationalist leaders like Mike Huckabee, Mark Burns, and Eric Metaxas are already lining up to stand with him, falsely pretending they speak for all Christians.

It is unlikely to sway Trump from running.

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9 thoughts on “‘Christian Petition’ Against Donald Trump’s 2024 Bid Has Amassed 15k Signatures

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  2. This organization’s unacceptance is a reliable indicator to people of faith that their target is worthy of our support.

  3. Well, many of us on the far right are opposed to him for the opposite reason. The “most pro-homosexual president” that entrenched DACA with his impotence, spent as much as Obama, handed out stimmy checkys like candy, enacted an eviction moratorium that harmed landlords, gave the left everything they wanted or only pushed for things that were immediately reversed once he vacated office, supported red flag laws, brought us “married to a man” Grennell, unleashed Fauci (the jab) and Javanka, and who can’t behave like a decent adult or faithful husband certainly needs to take all the money he made (not from a paycheck- was smart to waive it to fool the rubes as he raked in all the perks) and retire to play golf. Trump is later-in-life David without the humility, love of God, or repentance that redeemed him. Also, God won’t share His glory. I will never understand this idolatrous age where carnal villains are praised as spiritual heroes or saviors…by the CHURCH!

    1. If you are seeking a perfect Godly man to lead this country, you are in for disappointment. Our choice for president comes down to two individuals, and if you believe the more righteous one obtained office in the last presidential election, I would love to hear your justifications.
      I am personally not a Trump supporter, but an advocate for DeSantis to run. I have no delusion that DeSantis embodies a Christian ideal either, but believe he would be the most effective leader of our country.

      1. Not perfect, but Godly would be nice.

        The job of the Christian in politics is not to pick the person best positioned to win, but the person who best represents the example set by Christ; as we are to follow the example the best we can. Our political leaders are supposed to be our best, brightest and most respectable citizens.

        If the mob selects an unrepentant adulterous braggart to go up against whatever zombie the Democrats select, that’s on them. But when it comes to the primaries, I’m going to support whomever best represents the ideals set forth in Scripture.

  4. Even though he’s says he’s not going to use Twitter again, his account was reinstated the other day by Elon Musk, and guess what we find that Trump posted on January 6 last year:

    “I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember,
    WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

  5. Sorry to all those who hate Trump what has he done specifically to disqualify him from president? Then can you meet that standard? I know democrats can’t.

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