Pulpit & Pen was Almost Lost, Then We Got it Back

Last week we woke up to find Pulpit & Pen had gone down and was unresponsive. After a brief investigation we concluded that something very bad had happened, and sent out the following missive:

Pulpit & Pen was our former home before we created this site out of necessity to avoid strangulation and throttling by big tech giants. It is a phenomenal resource, cataloguing theological mischief makers while documenting many important stories that we frequently were the only ones talking about or exposing, including the truth about Ergun Caner’s fake background, the scandal at Louisiana College, the shenanigans at Lifeway, the promiscuity of Clayton Jennings, the downgrade of the SBC in the last decade, and thousands of articles and stories, with the majority written by our founder and friend JD Hall.

Though we were highly concerned for a while, we are glad to announce that it’s back in our possession and is live again, backed up, with significantly reduced ads, and with steps taken to ensure it never goes away again.

Thank you to everyone who offered technical help to get it back again: we really appreciate it, and we’re glad it worked out.

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