Religious Leaders to Meet on Mt. Sinai for ‘Prophetic Call for Climate Justice’ and ‘Ceremony of Repentance’

During the United Nation’s Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 27), between November 6th and 18th, the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development is putting on an “interfaith climate event” at Mt. Sinai described as a “heart-stirring, transformative and a moment of inspiration for religious communities and for humanity.”

The group says they will “bring together premier religious leaders from the world’s major religions to put forth a prophetic interreligious call to action: “Ten Universal Principles for Climate Justice. ” They explain that religious leaders will take a time of prayer and then call for a “reexamination of deep-seated attitudes and for identifying ways to transform these attitudes for the wellbeing of Earth.”

Mt. Sinai was purposely chosen by event organizers because ” As an ancient sacred space, it was the site of prophetic experience, and receiving God’s message, for the prophets Moses and Elijah in all three Abrahamic traditions, and the prophet Muhammed in the Muslim tradition.”

Bringing together representatives from Christianity, Progressive Christian Mysticism, Judaism, and Islam, there is no world in which these interfaith prayer events are anything but blasphemous petitions to a Holy God.

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7 thoughts on “Religious Leaders to Meet on Mt. Sinai for ‘Prophetic Call for Climate Justice’ and ‘Ceremony of Repentance’

  1. Need to change the name of that center to the Interfaith Center for Satanic Development. I have to admit wouldn’t it be interesting if the Rapture happened during that conference. They would be looking around at each other going “huh?”

  2. Reply to Susan Jones: If the rapture happened during the event, the attendees would not know that anything happened. None in attendance would be affected. Their group would be intact.

  3. There are no Jewish leaders the religion is decentralized. There is no pope of Judaism. Rabbis often belong to groups who provide scholarly learning but even those are numerous and localized.

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