NPR Plays Agonizing Audio of Woman Getting Abortion
The inhuman ghouls at NPR featured a segment on a woman aborting her twin babies, playing the sound of babies being murdered while “nurses” encourage and comfort the crying mom like she just gave birth, rather than dismember two little ones.
Price goes on to say, correctly: ” The left always talks in euphemisms when it comes to abortion. “Choice,” “reproductive care,” etc. But this clip puts on full display the what an abortion actually is: violence and full on dehumanization of the unborn. That’s why it’s important to share. To show reality.”
For the sake of comparison, here is a miscarried baby at 11 weeks. It’s humanity is on full display, and this woman killed two of them, later thanking the abortionist for ending their lives.
It’s a highest tragedy of the highest degree.
Two more children sacrificed to Molech. Damn those demoniacs who profit from the slaughter of the unborn.