Creflo Dollar Urges Congregation to Vote for Stacey Abrams After She Visits his Church

Democrat Gubernatorial Stacey Abrams is traipsing across the state, showing up at church services, butchering bible verses and getting standing ovations and cheers. This is all the while hirelings beg and plead with their members to vote for her– a lost cause given she’s looking to get crushed by Republican opponent Brian Kemp.

It was no surprise then to see her show up at Creflo Dollar’s church, where he likely urged his members to vote for the radical pro-choicer and “do what you got to do”.

Dollar is one of the most infamous and successful prosperity preachers ever, joining such men as Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland as the trio of arch-heretics most responsible for exporting the false prosperity gospel throughout the world.

A televangelist and pastor of the 30,000-member World Changers Church International (WCCI) in Atlanta, he’s known for his wealth and extravagant lifestyle, owning several multi-million dollar homes, expensive luxury cars, being a proponent of “little gods’ theology, and making headlines back in 2015 when he asked followers and supporters to fund his purchase of a $65,000,000 private jet. He told the crowd:

“I just want to say this because I want to see how it sounds. Governor Stacey Abrams just walked in. [Applause] So you already know what to do, right? How many of you have already done it? [Applause] Wow. It’s big time. Make it happen. Do what you got to do.”

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3 thoughts on “Creflo Dollar Urges Congregation to Vote for Stacey Abrams After She Visits his Church

  1. Any self-described ‘man of God’ who admonishes his congregation to vote for a godless abortion promoter and serial liar is no man of God.

  2. Guys like this just like his cohorts in the word-faith scam industry must be atheists just like the pope since how could they possibly think they’re going to get away with what they’re doing in this world unless they were sure they wouldn’t have to pay the price for it?

    Like John MacArthur says regarding Joel Osteen‘s best selling book, “your best life now.“ “That only applies if this life is all there is” and there is no existence after it. The alternative is if people want to live their best life now because they’re going to hell after it. How are you folks if you’re thirsty we got drinks

    Too bad people aren’t critical thinkers to an extent where that would occur to them.

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