Pastor Greg Locke Casts out Booze Demons With The Power of….Hugs?

Days after Pastor Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, TN had his church’s YouTube channel permanently banned for “severe or repeated violations of our Community Guidelines,” he’s revealed that he cast the ‘spirit of alcohol’ from a man, with the demon fleeing after he was hugged.

Readers of Protestia will recognize Locke as the foul-mouthed, spouse-abandoning, Tennessee “pastor” who notoriously divorced his wife of two decades and quickly married his secretary, claimed that “Illuminati hand signals are controlling Mitch McConnell,” threatened a Dunkin’ Donuts worker with kicking his teeth down his throat, and recently said that if you deny the existence of tunnels under the White House or Capitol Building that were uncovered by the military and used to house both live and dead children, you’re just as complicit in the abuse as “crack-smoking perverts.” 

Locke has been elbows deep in ‘deliverance ministry’ after a bunch of witches supposedly have been harassing his church and has partnered up with crackpot Isaiah Saldivar to help him get the problem under control. With a Greg Locke Set to Burn Rosary Beads and Statues of Mary in Major Halloween Bonfire tonight, he is out in full force, writing:

Of course, there is no such thing as a ‘spirit of alcohol’ and teaching ‘evil spirits can’t handle it when you speak the love of the Father over someone struggling with fear and rejection’ sounds like something a newly-converted charismatic would say after spending a day watching Bob Larson casting out fake demons, interwoven with old Brownsville ‘revival’ clips.

It’s all just made up, and we have no reason to believe that any principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places monkeying about isn’t emanating squarely from his own church.

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4 thoughts on “Pastor Greg Locke Casts out Booze Demons With The Power of….Hugs?

    1. There was a man who gave his life to Jesus that night.
      Does that matter?
      What did you do for the Lord this week?
      ICYMI there are many verses in the Bible that refers to ‘drunkenness’ and the drunkard.
      Do you know an alcoholic?
      The very word alcohol means “body eating spirit”.
      Alcohol abuse changes people, ruins families, and sometimes takes lives. That’s not ‘of God’.
      I, for one, am thankful that this man was delivered and brought into the family of God.
      Sorry you missed it.

      “A man’s pride shall bring him low: but honor shall uphold the humble in spirit.”
      ~Proverbs 29:23

      1. The article states Locke delivered this man from the “spirit of alcohol”. It says nothing of the man giving his life to Jesus. – apparently, you are the one who “missed it.”

        1. No. I didn’t miss anything. But I did notice that the only thing you responded to was to a possible error or oversight in my comment—Not the fact that a man had a life changing response to the power of God.

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