Blast From The Past: Prophet Has God’s Literal Phone Number and Takes ‘Phone Call from Heaven’ During Service

In 2017, ‘Pastor’ Paul Sanyangore’ of Victory World International Ministries in Zimbabwe made the news after a video was released showing him talking to “God” and “heaven” on a cellphone during a church service. It is bizarre behavior, but Sanyangore is up there with the wackiest of charismatics, with a history littered with the supposed raising of the dead and angels dripping oil.
Known by his parishioners as “Pastor Talent’, this paragon of pure hucksterism is seen answering the phone and responding “Hello’ is this heaven? I have a woman here. What do you have to say about her?’” He proceeds to ask her questions on behalf of God, enjoying a bit of back and forth while the congregants go wild.
Defending his actions and his miraculous prowess, he told H-Metro.
I have a direct channel, actually I have His number and I can call Him when need arises. It is possible to talk to God; why would you doubt that I got a call from Him? I actually have a direct line which I can call Him on and get instructions on how to proceed. I got this when I was praying and I heard a voice telling me to call direct,
In another video, it’s claimed that people can receive deliverance and healing if they dunk themselves in the water that Pastor Sanyangore walked on that one time which totally did not involve clear acrylic platforms in the water.
More rotten fruit of the charismatic movement.
There’s no doubt a special place in Hell for individuals like this…
This article would be more appropriate on Babylon Bee