Death on Wheels: Planned Parenthood Announces Mobile Abortion Clinic

In a gruesome adaption by Planned Parenthood, the apex predator of the baby-killing world, the abortion giant has announced plans for a mobile abortion clinic- a 37-foot RV based out of Illinois. This murder mill will travel just outside the border of states that have banned abortion, granting women quicker and more convenient access to services that use suction, scalpels, and curettes to turn their baby’s bodies into a slurry of blood and bone.
According to Dr Colleen McNicholas, Planned Parenthood’s St. Louis chief medical officer, “The mobile abortion clinic is a way to reduce travel times and distances in order to meet patients at the Illinois border. This will make a dramatic impact on their access.” On their Facebook page they likewise write:
One hundred days ago the Supreme Court took away the fundamental right to abortion. But we are not backing down…. We promised to innovate and that’s just what we’re doing with a mobile abortion clinic that will take abortion care on the road across southern Illinois.
Initially providing chemical abortions, the RV will come equipped with a waiting area, two exam rooms, and a laboratory so that they can ramp up surgical abortions as soon as possible.
Molech must be appeased.
Those populating and driving PPP are nothing less than Satanic.
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Isn’t it funny how all the left and the media continue to lie about the Supreme Court supposedly overturning Roe v. Wade when all they did was push it back down to the states as it never should have been “legislated” by the Supreme Court in 1973 is that was not and is not their job.
What is so tragic is the overwhelming majority in the black community would support this as they are the ones that Margaret Sanger and the whole abortion industry have targeted from the get-go to weed them out. Why do you think their percentage of the population never gets above 13%? Other words, they vote for their own annihilation and don’t seem to notice. Instead, it’s called a human “right.”