ELCA Considers Expelling all Conservative, Anti-LGBTQ Pastors from their Midst

During their recent convention, the Evangelical Church of America (ELCA) passed a resolution pledging to reexamine its 2009 decision which allowed both conservative and liberal views on homosexuality, setting up the circumstances that will make it impossible for any remnant conservative pastors to remain.
Memorial C3 – Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust Revision: Authorizes (741-59) a reconsideration to revise the social statement “Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust (2009)” so its wording reflects current church understanding, church policy, civil law, and acceptance of marriage of same-gender and gender non-conforming couples. The action includes identifying the cost of revision and the revenue source for such work, which could be considered as early as the 2025 Churchwide Assembly.
Whereas, at present, each church is free to operate according to its conscience, revising the statement would take away this freedom and make it so that only pro-sodomy pastors would be allowed to lead.
As the denomination becomes increasingly apostate, many in the church feel this policy needs to be amended so that LBGTQ members will feel welcome and accepted in all ELCA churches they attend, not just the affirming ones. Given the trajectory these Lutherans are on, its eventual approval and ratification is already a done deal.
A godless clown show.