Does this Woke ‘Pastor’ Have the Worst Take on Conversion in Christian History?

Brandan Robertson is an emerging personality on the religious far-left. A proud sodomite, he used to be a ‘pastor’ Missiongathering Christian Church, a San Diego church affiliated with the Disciples of Christ, then left to be the pastor of Metanoia Church, a “digital progressive faith community” that met bi-monthly for a bit, but was quickly shuttered and is now defunct after a handful of services. He also has spoken at the Wild Goose Festival, a famed liberal religious gathering we’d describe as “Gay Christian Woodstock”, only with more drugs and heresy.

A graduate of Moody Bible Institute, he gained prominence on TikTok for regurgitating talking points from the devil himself, such as claiming that polyamorous relationships are “holy, welcome and celebrated” and teaching that premarital sex is “good and healthy.” He’s also argued Jesus used a racial slur in Mark 7 during the account of the Syrophoenician woman, for which he later had to repent of being a racist, suggested that Jesus was likely a sinner who had to grow in sanctification, and claimed that Jesus doesn’t desire our worship because “only the Gospel of John” says he does.

In his newest assertion, which is a recipe for the damnation for the entire world and probably edges out some of the crusaders in terms of how terrible their take is, when asked why he denied in a previous video that Christians should be converting people, the pagan pastor explains:

Jesus never converted anyone, and he never called us to convert anyone. From his birth to his death Jesus was Jewish, and all of Jesus’s disciples were Jewish.

He didn’t call them to start a new religion or to leave their Judaism to convert to Christianity. He simply called them to follow his example and his teaching, and he summed up his teaching in two simple commands; Love God with all of your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself.

Anybody can follow those commands, regardless of their religion, regardless of their culture, regardless of their background. You don’t need to convert to Christianity to follow Jesus’ example. You don’t need to belong to the Christian religion to follow Jesus and be faithful to Him.

And so being a disciple, again, doesn’t mean that you need to leave any religion or culture behind, it simply means that you’re dedicated to following the example and the central teachings of Jesus.

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7 thoughts on “Does this Woke ‘Pastor’ Have the Worst Take on Conversion in Christian History?

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  2. “On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” – Matt. 22:40. Every single law that God has ever given to mankind, everything He has ever instructed mankind to do or not to do, the entirety of the Old and New Testaments, falls within (hangs on) one of those two categories. God is infinitely perfect. He does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8)

    Jesus said, “ye must be born again” (John 3:7)

    Jesus said: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” (Matt. 28:19:20)

  3. Robertson has segued past ‘uniformed’ to ‘delusional’ to ‘purposefully evil.’
    Truly a repugnant individual doing everything in his power to drag as many people to Hell with him as possible.

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