Gospel Music Association (GMA) Encourages Prominent Worship Leader to Paint his Nails for Dove Awards

After Christian worship leader Cory Asbury, the former member of the Bethel Music collective best known for the monstrously popular song ‘Reckless Love” broke his long-held silence about his propensity to wear nail polish in public, explaining that there’s nothing Jesus or the Bible has said that prohibits him from doing it, and that any opposition to it is rooted in ‘societal construct’ and ‘social norms,’ he was given varying levels of support for the statement.

Most of the feedback was negative, however, with many of commenters asking if the same theological justifications would apply to boys and young men wearing makeup, lipstick or dresses in school.

One account that seemingly had no problem with it, however, was the folks behind the Gospel Music Awards . Far from asking the worship pastor to reconsider in light of the transgender craze and a society seeking to erase gender differences, @gmafoveawards egged him on, writing:

“The real question is…can your daughters paint doves on your nails for this year’s Dove Award??!!” Followed by a fire symbol and pairs of clapping hands.

It’s all so dumb, but it shows the state we’re living in and the seriousness the evangelical industrial complex is operating under.

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25 thoughts on “Gospel Music Association (GMA) Encourages Prominent Worship Leader to Paint his Nails for Dove Awards

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  2. In this day, with powerful institutions and governments imposing, supporting, and encouraging abominable sins. it is not only a bad witness, it is the opposite of standing against the godless tide of social norms, the opposite of walking the narrow path. It may cause little ones to stumble. It sets a bad example. It is lukewarm. Now more than ever, men must be men, and women must be women.

    One who lives in the fear of the Lord, with the strong conviction of sin, righteousness, and judgement of the Holy Spirit, will not push or test God’s limits.

    Jesus had no comeliness in appearance, speech, or behavior. He was not the effeminate man that the world has made Him out to be. Follow the real Jesus, not the made up false image.

      1. If my posts offend you that badly, you can always ask Protestia to block me, or to send me an email requesting that I not post anymore. No problem. I’m an imperfect man, with a finite number of gifts, talents, and abilities, just like you and everyone else. I’ve never had strong writing or speaking skills. My mind is wired more for math and logic. I do my best. But if there is something I posted that you don’t understand, just ask, and I will try to provide clarification.

      2. Of course, if I have sinned, I will gladly repent. If I’m wrong, I will gladly admit so and correct myself. Just post the scriptures to show me. No problem.

        1. I’m not here to worked up and shame someone with scripture they don’t understand. You have that lane covered.

          1. Apparently you’re here for no other reason than to post childish ad-hominem insults. 🙄 If you deem me mentally incapable of being corrected, why did you respond to me in the first place?

            “All Scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching, for rebuke, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man or woman of God may be fully capable, equipped for every good work.” – 2 Tim. 3:16-17

            If you are ashamed, you are ashamed because you understood. That’s called conviction.

          2. If hearing scripture makes you want to shoot the messenger, rather than heed the scripture, why are you even here at this website? If you’re that rebellious against God’s Word, why are you here? You’re basically telling me you don’t care what scripture says at all.

          3. I was once young, you know. I grew up listening to CCM at the beginning. Back then I made some of the very same wrong arguments that many young people are making now. Oh, I argued against the legalism, and the stuffy old people wearing suits, and the ornery people who said their hair is too long, they’re wearing jewelry, they look like women, and so on. Been there and done that.

            I can tell you about shame. I’m ashamed of saying those things, and making those wrong arguments. I now know those stuffy old people were right. I didn’t know the scripture as well as I should’ve, and I didn’t listen. I was rebellious. And now I look at how far society has fallen, and I’m ashamed because I was a small part of it. You’d better believe I’m ashamed.

            It’s obvious that something I’ve posted or said is bothering you, whether on this thread or another. If you want to come clean and tell me what it is, we can talk about it.

  3. So in your mind, anyone who takes issue with you has an issue with scripture?

    We both know why you’re being so defensive.

        1. If you can detect arrogance, attack, being worked up, and all that stuff, then my writing skills must not be that bad, you reckon? lol smh Nah, none of what you detect is true, so I can assure you it’s my bad writing skills.

          It is you who attacked me, my friend. You initially responded, in an arrogant, insulting, and offensive manner, remember? Yet now you don’t want to post any scripture correcting me, because you say you don’t want to attack? Don’t make me laugh.

          As Jesus said, Iron sharpens iron. We are supposed to correct one another, according to scripture.

          And I couldn’t begin to count the number of times I’ve been corrected, rebuked, convicted, and ashamed by the scripture. Countless times. Sometimes like a gut punch, so bad I could hardly breath. Other times my legs nearly giving way underneath me. Other times breaking down into tears (and it is very rare for me to cry). I’ve had the fear of the Lord weigh down on me so strongly, I can’t even describe it. I can assure you that I am not perfect, nor am I always right.

          God’s Word is supposed to shame us, convict us, and correct us. That’s what it’s for. It is supposed to hurt our feelings. If it doesn’t, then we’re not listening. Like they say, the truth hurts. But it is good medicine.

          God’s Word does not return void:

          “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”

          You don’t have to have perfect reasons to speak it. Just have the faith that God will use it.

          I’m not looking for a contest here. I sincerely ask you to correct me if I said or did anything wrong, or if you want me to quit posting, which seems to be your primary aim here, to provide a good and just reason for me to stop posting.

        1. I am concerned about every issue addressed by every article here. If God leads me to add something that needs to be said, according to scripture, I do so. If not, I don’t. Over the past couple of years, I’ve posted on just about every issue, on many articles. I post as God leads.

          On the particular issue at hand, nobody else has posted anything about the fact that we are not to push or test God’s limits. The Bible says not to do that. If it’s questionable, don’t do it. This is what I was led to post, since nobody else had.

          If you detect some sort of pattern, then feel free to post what you believe that pattern to be. As I’ve said multiple times, if I need to be corrected, then correct me. But be warned, the Bible says the false accuser is worthy of the same punishment the one he falsely accused would’ve been due for the alleged sin in question, and that the false accuser is to be shown no pity. If you’ve already falsely accused in your heart, you are already guilty of it, and are already due that punishment.

        2. I have continued to respond to you kindly and patiently, even though your juvenile comments aren’t worthy of response, not for my benefit, but for yours, and for the benefit of everyone reading. To demonstrate the power of God’s Word. To contend for the faith.

          Your worldly tactics are no match. Whatever angle you desperately try, you will lose. And I’ve got plenty of time and patience to go about the Father’s business. So you go on and post whatever is bothering you. Come clean, and we can hash it out and deal with it, as should be done, right here on this thread, in front of God and everybody. I will respond after work.

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