Pro-Abortion Pastrix Says Stories of Jonah and Zacchaeus are Proof We Should Subsidize Birth-Control

We’ve seen a lot of scripture twisting in our day, but nothing quite like the dark arts performed by impastor Terry Hamilton Poore, Head of Church of Birmingham, Alabama, which is part of the PCUSA denomination. Poore gained prominence when she led the fight in her state AGAINST restrictive anti-abortion laws, declaring ” The religious community needs to stand with women, work for just laws, and demonstrate respect for women’s abilities to make decisions about their own lives.”
While we typically see the story of Zacchaeus used by critical theorists and wokesters as a prooftext for reparations, Poore uses it for novel purposes. She starts off by recounting the story of Jonah and the fact that he wanted God to smite the Ninevites, comparing pro-life advocates to the mean old Jonah who just wants to see people punished, then saying Christians ought to be like Zacchaeus and give their money to women to fund their birth control and other social programs.
“Jonah wanted judgment but God was longing to show mercy, and God’s spirit of mercy was more powerful than Jonah’s spirit of judgment. I have a hunch that those who are celebrating the overturning of Roe v. Wade might also be asking the wrong question. The real question isn’t, how do we keep people from having abortions, the real question should be how do we change the circumstances that force people to make desperate decisions?”
…Over 75% of those who seek abortions are living near or below the poverty lines. So if we’re concerned about abortion, maybe another good question is, what do we do about poverty? Jesus never mentioned abortion, but he did talk about poverty. In fact, he talked about poverty more than any other single issue. According to Jesus, dealing justly with the poor was the primary means of experiencing the realm of heaven.
Remember, when the rich man asked what to do to inherit eternal life? After loving God and neighbor Jesus urged him to sell all he had and give it to the poor. When Jesus condemned the scribes and Pharisees for hypocrisy, it was because they were using their positions to make things easy on themselves and hard on everyone else. And when Zacchaeus, a wealthy tax collector announced that he would repay anyone he cheated four times the amount and give half of his possessions to the poor. Jesus declared that that day salvation had come to him.
So how do we set our course in the direction Jesus called for? The direction that leads to salvation? How do we ensure that women and families have the health care, the contraceptive resources, the childcare, the housing, the decent jobs, the equitable pay, the equal protection, the access to transportation, the good schools, all the things that make it possible for a child and its parents to flourish?
That’s a harder question. Because it’s so much more complicated than just slamming down a law. It means changing some fundamental things about our society, how it functions, and who it favors
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I’m afraid this cultural syncretism will end on the other side, not till then.