Holy Post Podcast Suggests Outlawing Abortion Doesn’t Save Lives + ‘You’re Not Really Pro-Life’

Veggie Tales creator Phil Vischer, the man who swears he’s not progressive despite knocking creationists as a bunch of dummiescrediting his white privilege for the success of his show, arguing that liberals and Democrats are the real pro-lifers who have been reducing abortion, claiming he didn’t know there were such things black Christians until he was an adult, thumbing his nose at “Cracker Barrel Christians,” and most recently getting upset at Christians for opposing LGBTQ, continues to bounce ideas off show host Skye Jethani, repeating the old tropes of ‘You’re not really pro-life unless…” while suggesting outlawing abortion would have next to no impact on the number of babies being killed. 

It’s been a few weeks now, right? It’s been a few weeks since we said, ‘Hey, Roe v. Wade is no more’. And there was a whole lot immediately of, ‘and now comes the real work of supporting women and children’. And I’m looking for what we’re proposing to do that. And maybe I’m not looking in the right places, but I’m not seeing any proposals.” (Jethani: “I’m shocked. I’m shocked, I tell you.”)

Oh, come on, man. Instead, what I’m seeing is ‘how do we prevent interstate travel to access abortions? How do we prevent interstate shipment of morning after pills or abortifacients? How do we get abortion outlawed on a national level through legislation?’

So I’m just wondering, okay, when? When do we get to the point of helping the women and the children? When is that?

Vischer and his progressive nuancebros and brosettes are missing the memo that outlawing abortion nationally or cutting off the supply or birth control pill through legislation will necessarily reduce abortions and help children, especially the hundreds of thousands still being murdered by those means. In fact, this helps them the most. Why is Vischer acting like the only babies worth helping are the ones already born and saved, rather than not-yet-born and needing to be saved? Jethani piles on:

“Well, it’s exposing what we’ve talked about before on this topic, which I think not all, but a lot of the conservative, so-called pro-life movement has been driven by symbolism, rather than actually saving lives. Because if it was really all about saving lives, a lot of these things would have been enacted already. Paid family leave, health care, Medicaid expansion, those kinds of things. But it’s really been about symbolism, which is as a conservative Christian in America, I don’t want a law that says it’s okay to end a pregnancy. Because that feels morally icky to me, and I don’t want to be associated with it.

It’s such soft language. A law that says it’s okay to murder millions of babies a year only “feels morally icky.” Way to blow up the conversation with righteous rage and some real conviction there. Morally icky. Would Jethani describe a 19th-century slavery laws as “morally icky?” The right to buy, sell, torture, beat, rape and kill black folk, as property…. as “feeling morally icky” and giving Jethani a bad feeling in his tummy and a sad sensation in his heart? Where’s the lightning and lament?! He concludes by again reiterating that outlawing abortion does nothing, and that those prioritizing the battle for the about to die over the travails of the already living are done in bad faith, and whose efforts mean nothing.

So now that we’ve got that law off the book, and maybe we act even further to outlaw it in places other than my own state, it makes me feel morally better. But it doesn’t do anything to actually help these women, help these kids, reduce the number of abortions.

So this is exposing what’s really going on, what’s the motivation. Is it symbolic, or is it about saving lives? For different people, it will be answered differently, but I think if you don’t see these other things enacted, it’s just more evidence that an awful lot of folks, it’s just symbolic, and they wanted the law off the books. That’s what it was about.”

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3 thoughts on "Holy Post Podcast Suggests Outlawing Abortion Doesn’t Save Lives + ‘You’re Not Really Pro-Life’"

  1. “Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” – Matt. 6:31-34

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