Beni Johnson Of Bethel Church Has Died

Beni Johnson, one of the senior leaders of the 12,000-member Bethel Church in Redding, California and wife to Bill Johnson has passed away. She was 67.
Beni had been undergoing chemotherapy, the result of several tumors being revealed by a CT scan inside her body after a season of prolonged illness, and entered hospice care, where she was being prayed for around the clock by congregants. Beni was previously diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017.
Bill Johnson posted this message on Facebook:

During her first diagnosis in 2017, Beni Johnson revealed she had a heavenly encounter with Jesus in the spirit and gained access to “healing power over cancer” and told the congregants to begin grabbing the healing power of cancer “out of heaven” as a means of obtaining healing.
Last year, when Bill revealed the cancer came back, he said they were confident she would be healed, sharing with the church:
We’re not begging for a miracle. It’s already been bought and paid for. The entire Christian life for me is learning what’s in my possession and what’s in my account and how to make withdrawals, and that’s the entire Christian life.
…Guilt and shame is false humility, and it introduces you to an insulation to breakthrough, and so what you want to do is stay away from that…but what we know for sure is that divine health is our portion. We know that no weapon formed against us can prosper. We know that he sent his word that is finely tuned and specifically designed for Benni’s situation.
He sent his word and healed her. We know that by the stripes of Jesus- did you know the stripes of Jesus, the suffering, was not necessary for your redemption? It was necessary for our healing. The death on the cross was necessary for our salvation- the shedding of blood, but not the suffering from a whip. That was for the healing. That was for the deliverance.
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Bill must not have had faith in his faith or death wouldn’t have take. His wife…Or, Bill has been twisting those scriptures all these years and needs to repent and be Born Again.
Making light of the death of a sister in Christ. Demonic reply. Are you on drugs like the founder of this vile website?
You watch your mouth, “Cman.”
My deepest sympathy to Bill Johnson, his family & church family all over the world. Thank you for sharing…it may seem for those of you close to Beni like you lost a “body” part& since we are the body of Christ, we did.
Just know she is fully alive in heaven forever & has become a part of the great cloud of witnesses! We don’t have much time before we, the believers are raptured! (I’m thinking 9yrs???) So share Jesus w everyone, so no one will be left behind! Time is short & going faster everyday!!! Someday when I get to heaven I hope I’ll be able to meet Beni & all the Godly saints in the Bible!!!
I’m thinking of this portrait of a woman wrapping her arms around Jesus neck.. it’s called first day in heaven. We know she loved Jesus and was a mighty woman of God. Prayers for your family
Is she? Did her false gospel save her?
Jeff: Repent sinner!
Yes sadly the Johnsons followed a gospel that cannot save them in the end.
This is surely NOT BENNY HINN as he was a close friend of the Johnson family going back to Bill Johnson’s father who was a long time pastor. Whoever is using his name falsely, and I suggest this sight delete these posts or I will send a message to Pastor Hinn to correct this.
My condolences. Bethel won’t skip a beat. It will be business as usual right away.
The Bible says to weep with those who weep… This is not a time to have theological debates nor to “mud sling” if you are of a different biblical persuasion. For His sake, let’s obey His word and love one another.