Only 3% of Christian Missionaries Focus on the ‘Unreached’ Across the Globe: Report

(Christian Headlines) A new report found that just three percent of Christian missionaries worldwide focus on “unreached” people, meaning people who have never heard of the Gospel of Jesus Christ or been to church.
According to The Traveling Team data cited by global evangelism ministry East-West, there are about 400,000 Christian missionaries worldwide. Among them, only 3.3 percent are focused on “unreached people groups,” otherwise identified as UPG.
“When we say unreached, we’re not just talking about lostness; we’re talking about access. Unreached means that they don’t even have access to hear the Gospel. There’s no church, no Christian, no Bible available … God has not just commanded us to make the Gospel known among as many people as possible. He has commanded us to make the Gospel known among all the peoples,” said pastor David Platt of McClean Bible Church in Washington D.C., according to a blog posted to East-West’s website.
The Joshua Project, an organization that tracks evangelism efforts across the globe, states that people groups are categorized as unreached when less than 2 percent of those identify as evangelical Christian and less than 5 percent adhere to any form of Christianity
Additionally, UPG resources noted…to continue reading, click here
Editor’s Note. This article was written by Milton Quintanilla and published at Christian Headlines
Firstly, thank you for sharing this article. The author renews the mandate we have as Believers to go into ALL the world, not just some of it.
Secondly, it would be good to point out that missionaries as myself (East Africa) are called to train the nationals to reach their fellow countrymen. Many will hear much more readily from someone who speaks their own language, and uses colloquial expressions and allegories that only they would know. I’ve seen this not only in my region, but also in Iraq, Thailand, and India (right along the 10-40 window). Of course this doesn’t absolve anyone of the mandate, but I have noted that as a push amongst many of my co-laborers. As John Piper shared, “Go, send, or disobey”…it takes all forms to preach the Gospel!
“The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed.” – Hudson Taylor
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There are many “Christians” who frequently go to Israel but refuse to preach the gospel to the Jews. They either don’t want to upset them or believe in dual-covenant theology (i.e. Jews can go to heaven without accepting Jesus).
I dont buy the numbers. 41% of the world population has never heard the simple Gospel of Christ with the internet, cell phones, satellite TV, etc covering the globe? And how would the cultural religious groups know to persecute Christians if they’ve never heard the Gospel?
A lot of ministry in biblephobic parts of the world is extremely low key. Don’t expect stories or data from these places.
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