Country’s Most Progressive Politician Attending Tim Keller’s Church, Calling Him Her ‘Pastor’?

Yuh-Line Niou is a Democrat member of the New York State Assembly from the 65th district and is currently running for Congress in NY’s 10th congressional district. A progressive’s progressive, she’s about as liberal as they come. She’s not just pro-LGBTQ and pro-abortion but is rabidly so. A self-described member of the LGBTQ community, not only has she earned a perfect score from Planned Parenthood for her voting record, but she has organized rallies and sponsored a ton of legislation designed to see such practices strengthened and entrenched.

In a questionnaire for the Liberal Democratic Club, she reveals that she has sponsored several pro-LGBTQ bills, including gender-neutral restrooms and decriminalizing prostitution.
GENDA. Prohibits discrimination based on gender identity or expression and includes offenses regarding gender identity or expression under the hate crimes statute. Assembly: A747 (Gottfried) Senate: S1047 (Holyman)
Repeal Walking While Trans. Repeals section 240.37 of the penal law, relating to loitering for the purpose of engaging in a prostitution offense. Assembly: A654 (Paulin), Senate: S2253 (Hoylman)
Child Victims Act. Provides for the timeliness of commencing criminal and civil action for sexual offenses committed against children. Assembly: A2683 (Rosenthal), Senate: S2440 (Holyman)
Stop Violence in the Sex Trades Act. Relates to the decriminalization of sex work. Assembly: A08230 (Gottfried), Senate: S6419 (Salazar)
Expanding Gender Neutral Restrooms In All Public Spaces. Relates to making all single occupancy bathrooms gender neutral in school districts, charter schools, SUNY, CUNY, community colleges, restaurants, bars, mercantile establishments, factories and state owned or operated buildings. Assembly: A6500A (O’Donnell), Senate: S6479 (Salazar)
Comprehensive Sexuality Education which requires comprehensive sexuality instruction for students in grades K-12 which addresses age and developmentally appropriate physical, mental, emotional and social dimensions of human sexuality and reflects the national sexuality education standards. Assembly: A6512 (Nolan), Senate: S4844 (Metzger)
She’s volunteered with Stonewall Democrats of NYC Pride and New York Transgender Advocacy Group Equality NY. A proud member of the LGBTQ community, she has marched in PRIDE parades for years, proclaims she will seek to introduce legislation to remove public funding from religious schools, and as far as we can see, wants to open up the borders to all immigrants, having an open-border policy. In fact, “Niou even voted for a bill making it illegal to threaten to report someone to ICE for being an illegal immigrant. As far as her view on abortion:
Throughout my career, I have been a fierce advocate for reproductive health, rights, and justice. In the Assembly, I’ve co-sponsored pieces of legislation to protect and expand access to affordable, high quality reproductive healthcare in New York for all — regardless of income or zip code. I helped pass and supported landmark legislation for reproductive rights such as the Reproductive Health Act, paid maternity leave, and equal pay. As access to abortion is under a strategic and unprecedented assault from the Trump Administration and extreme anti-choice legislators across the country, New York is on the frontlines of this fight in many ways. It’s more important than ever that we secure our rights and make reproductive healthcare truly accessible, affordable, and inclusive. I will continue fighting to protect reproductive health, and I look forward to championing further meaningful legislation.
Niou wants to defund the police, and recently caught some flak after she watched a video of fellow police officers honoring a fallen comrade, and compared them to Nazis.
With those creds, you’d think the only church she’d feel comfortable at would be either an ELCA or PCUSA denomination, on account of their love of all things devilish and damnable, but you’d be wrong. Instead, she’s apparently been attending one of Tim Keller’s churches, tweeting out an article he wrote and describing him as ‘my pastor.”

Keller has long been on record that there is no functional difference between Democrats and Republicans, that Christians are free to vote for or be either chalking up matters of LGBTQ acceptance or abortion as mere political differences. Is there any wonder that she’d feel at home at Redeemer and calling him pastor? By his own standard, nothing she has done is “rebukable” and certainly not worthy of church discipline. Keller said it best here:

The fact that she feels comfortable in his church, calling him her ‘pastor’ tells you all you need to know about the message they’re preaching ove there. Time to ask again “what communion hath light with darkness?”
Editor’s Note. h/t To Capstone Report, who we first saw report the story here
In fairness, there really isn’t that much difference between Democrats and Republicans. While the Democrats platform is clearly anti-Christian, Republicans fight against what should be Christian policies and platforms. Most Republicans are ok with pride parades and trannies in libraries and schools. They’re ok with mass immigration. They’re ok with abortion. They’re ok with gun control. Basically anything that undermines God’s word and the Constitution. Unfortunately D’s and R’s are two wings of the same godless bird.
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It appears that she found a ‘shoe that fits’!