Jemar Tisby Asserts Orgy-Loving, Jesus-Denying, Serial-Adulturer is a ‘Very Strong Christian’

Appearing on the June 1, 2022 episode of the ChurchLeader Podcast with Ed Stetzer, Jemar Tibsy, who has an openly pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ woman leading his Christian organization, explains that someone can be a”very strong Christian” despite being a sexual pervert, serial adulterer and one denies the virgin birth of Jesus.
Stetzer: Are you saying then you share a lot of the same theological beliefs you had before? Am I misstating this? However, it’s been pushed out, and now you’re understanding more deeply the black theological tradition, and maybe some of the fact that that may embrace some of those issues differently? I’m trying to help myself understand what’s your answer.
Yeah. So think about it this way. A lot of times in predominantly white Christian settings, the starting point for theology, for sermons, for teaching is the resurrection. And that makes sense. The starting point is a lot of times Paul’s epistles, right? In the very sort of logical, propositional way, Paul explains his theology.
Understandable, it’s all Bible. You know, we learned from it all. In the black church tradition, oftentimes the starting point is the Exodus, the literal liberation of enslaved people. Oftentimes the starting point is the Old Testament and the prophets who speak against injustice, who call out the powers that be for mistreating and abusing their power.
Right. So it’s, it’s all the same Bible, it’s all the same faith, but because of our lived experiences and locations, we have sort of really foundational pillars that really shape our public engagement with justice issues.
So I’m trying to be in the line of a Martin Luther King Jr, of a Fannie Lou Hamer of a Medgar Evers, all very strong Christians who saw integrally the connection between Jesus and justice.
What I have faced in predominantly white settings is a highly individualistic understanding of the world, and particularly racism that doesn’t really give due attention, in my view, to the issues of policies and systems and power when it comes to racism.
Very strong Christian?
Martin Luther King Jr. was an absolute scumbag by any discernable standard. He was a womanizer who routinely cheated on his wife. He participated in orgies, treated women like sex objects, and alleged;y laughed while a woman was raped in the same room as him.
If that wasn’t bad enough, King was a heretic. He denied the Virgin Birth, denied Scriptural inerrancy, had very troublesome views of the atonement and was by all accounts a theological liberal. For example, here’s a paper from King denying the Virgin Birth and calling the resurrection “historically and philosophically untenable.” From start to finish, King denied the fundamentals of Christianity, practicing a liberation and social-gospel theology.
Yet Tisby dscribes him as a “very strong Christian.”
It’s almost enough to make you think he doesn’t even know what it means to be one.
I don’t believe Jews are a race. They are genetic mutts, mostly Italian or Turkish by blood.
But dispensationalists DO believe Jews are a race.
Jews worship themselves as a “chosen race” according to their satanic Talmudic cult. This makes them an enemy of the cross (1 Thessalonians 2:14-16)
Meanwhile, evangelicals worship Jews, and increasingly blacks and perverts, because these groups are somehow “chosen” by special dispensation.
Don’t get mad at me for exposing the rotten fruit of dispensationalism. Blame your so-called “leaders.”
I believe God’s chosen are the church (Galatians 6:16). Do you?
Bud, I hate to break it to you, but you’re not exposing anything here but yourself.
Massive nonsensical leaps of logic, apparently spewing from wickedness in your heart. For example, if anyone says the house of Israel are God’s chosen people, according to what the Bible says, you say that means they worship Jews? Good grief.
Then you call them a “race” while also referencing what they believe. You do know not all descendants of Jacob believe the Talmud, correct? Many are Christians, in fact. Do you know the “race” of the man who wrote 1 Thessalonians and Galatians, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit? Take a wild guess, there bud.
It has nothing to do with “race” – that’s a construct made up by man.
Quit putting Jews and blacks in the same category as perverted degenerates who live in abominable sin. It’s not a sin to be a descendant of Jacob. It’s not a sin to have black skin. In doing so, you are no different than a godless wokeist, practicing your own brand of intersectionality.
I believe the church is Israel. This is clear from scripture, and was a fact beyond dispute in the church for 1,900 years.
Here you are tying yourself in pretzels to argue “Made Up Group J” somehow gets special dispensation while denying Christ.
This is the EXACT SAME position as Tisby.
All you woke guys argue about is minor details.
Tisby says “Made Up Group Black” and “Made Up Group Pervert” are somehow saved despite denying Christ.
No no, you say. Your special Christ-denying ethnic group are the special chosen people…
Lol y’all wokes are crazy!
Bud, you don’t even know what the word dispensationalism means. It refers to how God has dealt with, and is dealing with, mankind in certain periods of time, particularly prior to Jesus coming and after.
It refers to periods of time.
Some of your comments here are dispensationalist and you don’t even know it. Yes, according to dispensationalism, for the past 1989 or so years since Jesus death, burial, and resurrection we have been under a different dispensation. Prior to that, God communicated with and dealt with mankind through the house of Israel.
They are still God’s chosen people, as the New Testament reiterates, all the way through to Revelation – the 144,000, for example, will be men from the 12 tribes of Israel. That doesn’t make descendants of Jacob inherently any better or worse than anybody else. It’s just what God chose to do, and who He chose to use. It doesn’t mean they’re automatically going to Heaven, or any such nonsense. Read the book of Hebrews.
I told you, I don’t give a flying flip what anybody else says, and that includes Jamar Tisby. He’s not only an apostate, who wouldn’t know God’s Word if it smacked him upside the head, he’s a nutcase – for one thing, individualism and racism are 100% opposites – racism is collectivist by definition.
What exactly do you believe anyhow? Do you reject the entire Old Testament?
Lest you misread something I’ve written for the umpteenth time here, the 144,000 will be Christian men, from the 12 tribes of Israel. The will be Christians of Jewish heritage.
You clearly are defending evangelicals and dispensationalists for their heresy. I do not fathom why if you truly stand with Scripture.
You have opinions very few people share.
Meanwhile millions of people support Tisby. You are too stuck in your own head to bother asking why…
The Bible tells you why. It’s called sin. And the Bible tells you who – “we battle not against flesh and blood” Eph. 6:12
I’m not above reproach. Name the heresy I posted, and kindly use scripture to back up your claim. It should go without saying that I’m referring to what I actually wrote, not what you think you read. I’ll wait.
I agree. ALL of us are sinners. Tisby is no better than anyone else. I also will defend MLK as a great Christian man. Ignore this nazi troll. He’s an antisemite.
Sadly, the paper MLK wrote in college was written by a Gnostic, not a Christian. It is indefensible, as is his sexual immorality.
Thinking about all the science that has proved wrong since he wrote that paper in 1949.
But the Bible has never proved wrong.
What an unwise choice he made.
Whoa, guys! Let your blood pressure settle down a little before you have a collective stroke! Name-calling, sarcasm, arrogance, narcissism — all fine Christian qualities, right? This is an argument that none of you will win, but you are giving the Enemy a victory. He loves this stuff.
How about taking a moment and asking your heavenly father what He wants you to learn from this unpleasant interaction. Then say something to each other like “Hey, I got a little carried away and said too much. Sorry.” Then forgive. Then let it go, but use what you learned to help someone in the future.
Ma’am, if you can specifically pinpoint any sin that I have committed here – again, what I actually wrote and not what you assumed -, using scripture to back up your claim, I will gladly repent. But I cannot and will not accept any rebuke that is arrogantly and pridefully based on worldly standards. As far as I’m concerned, doing so would be a rejection of God’s Word, a refusal to submit to Him, and therefore handing a victory to the Enemy in the worst way possible.
I have repeatedly stated that I am open to correction, and I’m stating so again. If you are going to accuse someone of sinning, you must back up that claim. The Bible requires this. If you cannot, then you need to repent for bearing false witness.
Satan wants to convince us that God’s Word is errant, changing, and insufficient. He wants to convince us that God’s Standards are incomplete and faulty. He wants us to reject God’s standards, and follow worldly standards instead.
I’m not keen to give the Enemy a victory here by failing to submit to God’s Word and His standards. You can correct me all you want, but if you do let it be according to God’s Word and to His standards. Point out specific wrongdoing, and back up your accusations with scripture.
Ben is a nerd and probably autistic. Of course Ben will argue the words “nerd” and “autistic” are not in scripture thus don’t exist. Lol
If it’s not in scripture, then it’s irrelevant to a discussion that is inherently about scripture.
But thanks for the compliment. I assure you I’m not a genius, but thanks anyhow.
Of course, it doesn’t take a genius to see ridiculous false dichotomies, such as the idea that a Biblical view that the House of Israel are God’s chosen people is equivalent to believing every unbiblical falsehood that spews out of the mouth of Jamar Tisby. You could jump 5 grand canyons with that ridiculous leap of logic.
Yes, descendants of Jacob are God’s chosen people. No, they are not a superior “race” that should be worshiped. No, they do not get any free passes. God holds them to the same standards as the rest of us. What a few of them may or may not claim about themselves is irrelevant. No different than a man who claims to be a woman. God says he’s a man (and an abomination – Duet 22:5), and he is what God Almighty says he is.
“I’m a individualist but I put my identity in being a Baptist and evangelical. Also millions of evangelicals certainly don’t make idols of Jews, blacks and perverts, even though 90% of this website’s topic is on these very topics. Also I’m going to get triggered because the same Talmudic logic which creates Tisby also creates these other problems. But I’ve got my head securely in the sand because of my own narrow view of scripture and because my idols of individualism and logic.”
Did we cover it all? Probably yes.
Jemar Tisby’s errors and false teachings are the fault of Jemar Tisby. He has a Bible. He’s not stupid. He can read.
He is without excuse (Rom. 1:20)
Let’s say you somehow Bible-thump Tisby with Romans 1 and you’re successful in saving him (unlikely because he doesn’t read your genius-level logic on this website ). Will this save evangelicalism? It won’t. The only way to save evangelicalism is to purge the church free from the heresy of racial supremacy and Talmudic perversion. Not going to happen until you address Zionism, which is itself a racial supremacist movement and infused in mainstream evangelicalism. But keep your head in the sand, brother.
I don’t know who you think you’re talking to here, but I’m not God. I can’t save anybody or anything. And I’m infinitely stupid compared to Him. So I believe I’ll just stick with His Word, and trust Him instead.
Yes we know you are a. Ineffectual doormat, Ben. And so full of pride about it. You are a perfect evangelical.
God is my judge. Come judgement day I will have to answer to Him. So I believe I’ll stick with doing things His way.
Obviously, if you’re looking for a doormat, you’ve picked the wrong target. You haven’t budged me an inch.
But looking back over this thread, some might say I’ve done a fairly effectual job of exposing you for the wolf that you are.
I encourage you to repent now before it is too late.
I am 100% confident and assured that God’s Word is inerrant, unchanging, sufficient, and complete.
I am 100% confident and assured that the solution to mankind’s problems is to repent, submit to Him, to turn from sin, and to do things His way.
And I earnestly share that message, contending for the faith.
Perhaps your first error here was to mistake that confidence in and submission to God for something else that you could manipulate. But you cannot manipulate someone who stands on the solid rock. You’re learning something about the sufficiency of scripture, right here and right now. You cannot move me.
But it is clear that you do not believe that message. You believe the answer to mankind’s problems is to reject God’s Word and to do things your way. You have not repented. You have not submitted to Him. Therefore you are not my brother. I urge you to repent and submit to Him before it is too late.
You are so brave with your long inane comments and mindreading. Thank you for your service
There is no need to read your mind, when your comments suffice. You propose problems that are not Biblical. You propose solutions that are not Biblical. You blatantly defy God’s decisions regarding descendants of Jacob. Little to nothing of what you have posted here is in concordance with scripture. Much of it, in fact, blatantly defies God’s Word.
Wherefore by your fruits I know you.