ELCA Fires First Transgendered Bishop on Account of ‘Racism’

In what will likely be the last story we ever write about her, Rev. Megan Rohrer, the first (they) transgendered bishop to lead the ELCA has been fired by resigned from her role after the head of the evil ELCA, the Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton asked for her resignation.
The act was sparked over an incident that happened within her synod, proving if you live by the wokeness, you die by the wokeness. Rohrer’s fired Nelson Rabell-González’ of the Misión Latina Luterana community on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe after he was accused of abusing a fellow ‘pastor’ through ‘misogyny, disrespect, and threatening comments‘ and ’embezzling monies from the California Immigrant Relief Fund’ to be racist, and to stop his anti-racism work.
This was said to be ‘racist’ and they called for her head, which was handily delivered.
In a message on Facebook, she says she is a victim of “misinformation, bullying and harassment” and that in true virtue- twerking fashion, points out that she could endure and fight the system, but then she would be a “poor role model” for her “black trans children.”

After previously showing up on our radar for claiming that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were Transgender Slaves, we hope to never hear from her again.
I have to admit I love when they turn on each other like the demons they are.
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Notice that this demon has a child who she is abusing.
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