Johnny Hunt Admits to Affair with Pastor’s Wife, but Claims it was Consensual

Last week, Pastor Emeritus of FBC Woodstock and former President of the Southern Baptist Convention Johnny Hunt was named in the Guidepost Solution Report as someone who engaged in sexual abuse and essentially rape against a pastor’s wife in 2010, citing testimony from multiple pastors, including Hunt’s own staff counseling pastor.
You can read more about the details here, but the gist of it is that 12 years ago while on vacation together with another pastor and his wife, Hunt is accused of making inappropriate comments to her about her body such as her tan lines, and then manoeuvered himself into her room, where he is alleged to have pinned her to the couch, got on top of her, forcibly removed her clothes, and groped her and put his hands and mouth on the breasts and body. Afterward, he apologized to her and the husband and they all did some counseling and collectively decided not to bring it up ever again.
After the news first hit, Hunt tweeted out a brief message, reiterating that he “vigorously denies the circumstances and characterizations set forth in the Guidepost report” and that “I never abused anybody.”
Since then he’s been pretty quiet, but then this weekend he put out a message on social media to his church family at First Baptist Woodstock, further denying the claims against him.
Instead, he claims that he did not maneuver himself into her condo, but rather that she invited him, and that “against my better judgment I chose to go.”
Though he doesn’t go into any detail, he describes their interaction as a “brief, improper encounter” that was fully “consensual” but which he fled after feeling conviction about it. He states in no uncertain terms “it was NOT abuse NOR was it assault” and that “the most absurd allegation is that this brief, consensual encounter constituted assault.”
Hunt further castigates the report by Guidepost as being “sensationalized” and emphatically asserts that he did not groom her or arrange the encounter, all the while the story as told by guidepost has some truth to it, that “the allegation made in the report is false” and that “there are other details in the description that are stated as fact which did not happen.”
You can read the full post below.
Of course. Hunt’s for not saying anything or confessing his actions to his church is idiotic and as it is unbiblical, explaining that he always taught that “confession should only be as broad as the offense” and since he “sought forgiveness from those I had offended…I thought I did my part” and should not have to tell anyone in the church that he engaged is disqualifying sin.
Here’s my question: how does a woman put herself in such a freaking situation in the first place? Something here doesn’t smell right to me.
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I am a prison chaplain. I am used to speaking to criminals about their crimes. I have never met a sex offender that did not think that what they did was consensual. Johnny Hunt’s responses, from his initial denial to his “confession” sounds just like a sex offender.
I also suspect that others will come forward. What was described in the guidepost report sounds like a predator with a pattern.
Furthermore, what is described by Johnny doesn’t sound like an affair. Trust me on this, the man talks like a rapist. And I know a lot of rapists.
I am sorry you said that. You may know Rapist.
But I know Pastor Johnny and I have worked with Pastor Johnny for 29 years until he retired from our Church. I have been on Cruises, Israel with he and Miss Janet and others. He is A Godly man. And spread God’s Word with all…
You should NEVER say stuff unless you know the person.
Just curious, why did this woman rent and expensive Condo next to the Hunts, just to go hear an NFL player speak, where was her Husband,? and she could have stayed at the Hilton or others for a lot less!!!