Podcast: Rebuking Andy Stanley, Ed Litton Has a Female Worship ‘Minister’+ SCOTUS leak, What JD Has Been Up To

JD Is back and explains what he’s been up to and how the Lord has been using him in a new role as he steps away from polemics, Phil Johnson rebuking Andy Stanley, a bit about his court case, whether or not women can lead corporate worship, the SBC response to the SCOTUS leak, and whether or not JD will get kicked out of the 2022 SBC Convention.
Smash-mouth journalism, fresh from the eastern mt prarie.
The “mean tweets” trope is irksome. Trumps tweets are the least of his faults. He is godless, immoral, and while claiming to do “more for Christianity than anybody” he also referred to prayer as “bullshit.” If a nation electing him does not call on God’s judgement, then certainly the myriad of Christian leaders lining up to give him credibility would. For that reason, I did not and would not vote for him. I believe that God will appoint whomever He desires whether for our blessing or our curse. When I enter the ballot box, it is a prayer, and I will not pray and ask God to appoint a Godless and immoral man as president. (and no, I did not vote for a pro-choice candidate) That said, I have no problem saying that I am happy with his scotus picks. (I like other things he did as well, and have said so.)
Claiming people are opposed to trump over “mean tweets” minimizes his immorality. Let the men of God call what is good, good, and what is evil, evil.