Woke Preacher’s Easter Sermon Compares GOP Questioning Ketanji Brown Jackson to Jesus’ Questioning, Crucifixion

Youth and Young Adult Minister Brian Johnson, who also happens to be the husband of Associate Minister Tikeisha Johnson, preached a Good Friday message at Shiloh Baptist Church on April 15th, comparing Republican Senators questioning Supreme Court Justice nominee Kentanji Brown Jackson to Roman leaders questioning Jesus.

Johnson laments that they didn’t know how their evil deeds would be used by God, and noted that the ones who questioned her must be related to the Roman soldiers that whipped and beat the Lord of glory, on account of how seemingly vicious and misguided they were. He closes out with further scripture twisting by making Jesus’s trial and ordeal all about us.

Is there anybody here that can testify in your praise that you could use some enemies to catapult yourself to the next level? Say ‘yeah!’ Because you don’t get mad, you don’t get angry, and you don’t even get even. Instead you catapult. Like Soulja Boy said, you use them as footstools to catapult into whatever it is that God has next for your season.

Jesus intercedes on their behalf because they wronged them and they were trying to murder him, but Jesus understood that they didn’t know. For the text says that they didn’t know what they do, mo .When Judas betrayed him over 30 pieces of silver he didn’t know.

When Pilate knew he was innocent but gave him up anyhow, he didn’t know. Where the roman soldiers whipped him and beat him to a bloody pulp, they didn’t know.

And they must have some relatives of those people back then here now, because the way that they questioned Ketanji Brown Jackson, they didn’t know.

When they said preachers can’t be women or women can’t pastor, they didn’t know. When my third-grade teacher said I wouldn’t amount to anything, she didn’t know. Is there anybody here that would testify on your feet of every plotter, every schemer, every devil in hell and say ‘they did not know.’

They didn’t know that they were going to propel Jesus into his destiny and the ‘they’ that you’re dealing with, they don’t know that they’re propelling you into yours

h/t to WokePreacherTV

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3 thoughts on “Woke Preacher’s Easter Sermon Compares GOP Questioning Ketanji Brown Jackson to Jesus’ Questioning, Crucifixion

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