Doug Wilson Makes Peace with Woman at Center Of Sexual Abuse Allegations

One of Douglas Wilson’s most ferocious and long-standing critics has issued a public apology towards him, telling the pastor of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, that as part of the deep process of healing, she has sought “forgiveness for treating him and his church community as my enemy, and for blaming him for things he had nothing to do with”- and he has accepted that apology and made peace with her.
For over 15 years, articles and accusations have been traded back and forth. You can read more here, but the gist of it is that Wilson was accused of tolerating or covering up sexual abuse within his church after a 13/14-year-old girl became involved with a 23-year-old man, with the blessing of her parents to begin a courtship, who then proceeded to sexually and psychologically abuse her. This has been the story that by and large, has driven a decade of articles about how this church is not a safe place for women and abuse victims. Google the names “Natalie Greenfield and Doug Wilson” and you’ll see a thousand pages on the matter. Now, on her social media page she she writes.
What I went through was the result of the insidious actions of a single individual, and those who provided opportunity for me to be harmed by him. I am seeking healing and growth where it is called for, but am choosing to keep the details of this process out of the public eye at this time, and would ask you all to please respect my privacy as I do that.”

In response, Wilson put up his own comment acknowledging that he has certainly forgiven her and “the public controversy between us is indeed over.”

Wonderful news, and we thank God for it,
One less male leader to roast. This will ruin Julie Roy’s day…
Her forgiveness is for her healing. She is a lovely but damaged woman who has worked very hard to heal and move on. Her forgiveness says everything about her. It does not absolve Doug Wilson handling of this situation.