Tiny Tim Keller Tip Toes Through The Leftist Twitter Tulips

Pastor Tim Keller, a theologian whose scope of ministry has been compared to that of contemporaries John Piper and John MacArthur, has a habit of posting some pretty theologically twisted tweets. A month ago, Keller held nominal Catholic Stephen Colbert up as an “example of how to be a Christian in the Public Square.” Saying that a foul-mouthed late-night comedian who supports abortion and every other left-wing anti-Christian cause under the sun is a brilliant example of how to profess Christ is like saying that drinking the Kool-Aid with Jim Jones is a brilliant example of how to observe the Lord’s Supper.

Not to be outdone by his previous tomfoolery, weeks later Keller made a series of vague tweets in response to criticism of the now-exposed Francis Collins, the former head of the NIH who used his time at the helm of the nation’s largest public health research organization to advocate for LGBTQ rights, argue for increased experimentation on the bodies of dismembered pre-born children, and promote lies about the origins and nature of COVID-19, all in the name of what Collin’s would call the public interest. Keller compares public figures who compromise their faith in the service of their office, to Daniel, in an attempt to equate a sleazy compromised bureaucrat like Collins with a Biblical Prophet. (This is what compromised “Progressive Christian Nationalism” looks like.)

Days later, Keller made the argument that Christians should judge the validity of non-Christian beliefs on the basis of the lens of the holder’s non-Christian worldview, essentially arguing for the idea that scripture is an insufficient measure of truth. Apparently, pagan-thought is now considered a “useful analytical tool” by those in Big Eva.

Finally, Keller’s most recent venture into the Twittersphere involved giving out polemics advice. Tim wants you to Tip Toe Through the Twitter Tulips, being careful not to show deserved contempt or trample on absurd ideas, like his own. Given the way that Keller attempts to redeem the most indefensible tweets with constant equivocation, and appeals to winsomeness, don’t expect to see any serious Polemical works by Keller anytime soon.

Editors’ Note. This article is a guest post written by Paul Brown for Protestia

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5 thoughts on “Tiny Tim Keller Tip Toes Through The Leftist Twitter Tulips

  1. Is Keller and Rick Warren pushing WW3 no-fly-zones to the Big Eva sheep yet? 🇺🇦🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

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    1. I had an elder whose discipleship group that I was in, although we never got any real discipleship from him, used to praise Keller in conversation with me after our services.

      Not long after that that I knew I had to leave, especially when the pastor allowed Ligon Duncan to guest preach from his pulpit twice, to my knowledge. Goodbye.

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